chapter 16

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It was late Monday evening and I was showering when I heard a knock on my door. I quickly turned off the water and went to grab a towel, wrapping it around myself tightly.

I attempted to wring the water out of my hair but the knocking persisted so I gave up and headed into the bedroom.

When I reached the door and pulled it open I was surprised to see Kingsley standing there. His hands were buried deep in his jean pockets and he scanned me up and down, his eyes going wide.

I quickly remembered my attire and looked around frantically for something additional to cover myself but there was nothing.

"Um hey, I wanted to talk to you but it looks like I came at the wrong time..." He massaged the back of his neck with one hand and glanced down the hallway, looking for an escape.

"No no! It's fine, maybe just wait in the bedroom whilst I go get changed?" I offered.

He nodded and I stepped back as he made his way inside and went to sit on my bed. It was strange to have him in my private space again after all this time but the sight gave me a flicker of hope.

I excused myself and dashed back to the bathroom where my clean clothes were waiting. I changed into them and hung the towel on the radiator before pulling a brush through my hair quickly. I bundled the wet mop up into a bun before glancing in the mirror one last time.

I looked as nervous as I felt, this had been the last visit I'd expected to have tonight and I hoped it wouldn't go as badly as our previous conversation. Especially after what Daniel had told me, I had a new way of looking at Kingsley.

I left the bathroom before he could get impatient and re-entered the bedroom, sitting next to him and crossing my legs.

We looked at one another properly now and the effect of his eyes hit me with full force. I realised how much I'd missed being able to get lost in them close up.

"So I just thought we needed to talk... what happened in October was really bad and I came to say sorry really. I shouldn't have said half that stuff, it was wrong of me." His fists were clenched as he spoke and I realised that he was nervous too. He glanced at me, waiting for a response.

"Thank you... I'm sorry too actually. You are right that I don't know you and I wish things hadn't gone down like that." I admitted, hoping he could hear the sincerity in my voice.

He nodded at my words and relaxed a little.

"I've been thinking about it and obviously you know I don't like Elijah. But I guess I just got..." He trailed off, seeming to stop himself before he said something he'd regret.

"What? What is it?"

"Nothing important. Anyway the point is that I won't dictate who you can be friends with anymore, I'll keep those thoughts to myself. And for the record, I don't think you're a spoiled daddy's girl."

I smiled at him slightly and he returned the expression, I was glad he seemed truly regretful about the things he'd said, it was a relief to know I wasn't the only one holding guilt for that night.

"That means a lot to me, and I don't think you're a psychopath... I said that in the heat of the moment and that was wrong of me. I should have tried harder to be friends with you. It's not like either of us wanted this situation."

"It's okay, I probably should've tried harder to be nice to you too."

I laughed lightly at his comment, "that might have helped."

He smiled down at his hands and the rare innocence of his demeanour warmed my heart slightly. He looked so much younger than he had before, I wondered if that was from the happy expression or from my own knowledge of a boy who'd suffered greatly.

I was lost deep in my thoughts, admiring the strong curve of his lightly-stubbled jawline when he spoke again.

"I missed you."

The words hung in the air and for a second I didn't really believe that he'd said them. But it was obvious from his own surprise that he had, and that he hadn't meant to reveal such a tender sentiment. I smiled to myself but dropped the expression before he could see it.

"I missed you too."

It was the truth, I really had, and that was a feeling I'd expected least of all over the course of the last 5 weeks.

"If it makes you feel better, being a bodyguard to Ophelia is a total nightmare. The girl is... something else."

I laughed at his haunted expression, wondering what trials he'd been going through this last month.

"Almost as bad as being mine?" I joked and it was his turn to laugh now.

"She's a close second." He spoke teasingly and I relished in the new dynamic we seemed to have with one another. It was unexpected, but a very welcome surprise.

"You didn't succumb to her womanly charms then?"

"Not even close, I would never flirt with her you know. That's one of the things I wish I'd cleared with you during that argument." His tone was heavier now and it almost pained me to see the regret in his expression.

"Don't worry about it, it wouldn't be my business if you did anyway."

"I know... but just know that I haven't, wouldn't, and never will." He spoke in a very resolved manner and a secret part of me was thrilled to hear him say such a thing, although I wasn't sure why.

Instead of showing my glee I just nodded and looked out the window behind my bed. It had gotten very dark, the moon was large in the sky and I wondered what time it was. As I gazed at the sight, an idea came to me.

"You know... I could call Isaac and have him change you and Daniel around again." I turned my attention back to Kingsley and could see the hope in his expression.

"That would be a godsend."

"I thought as much... but we really need to work on this dynamic. For starters, we hardly know anything about one another. We don't stand any chance of being friends when we are practically strangers."

He nodded in agreement, "that's true. We should hang out someplace, just sit down and talk you know."

I smiled at him, "I'd like that."

"How about tomorrow night? We could go into town and just spend some time getting to know about each other."

"That's a good idea, I'll call Isaac tomorrow too for you."

"Thanks, as a peace offering I'll get a taxi instead of making you ride the motorcycle."

"No no, let's take the bike. It's actually really fun." I admitted, although terrifying there was something addicting about the experience.

He smiled widely at me as I said this and I couldn't stop my own grin from taking over my face.


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