chapter 10

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The bike came to a rolling stop as we arrived in front of Zapo's where my friends were waiting for us. I quickly unwrapped myself from Kingsley and climbed off the bike, shaking my hair free as I removed the helmet.

"That was fun huh?" He asked as he pulled the key from the ignition and removed his own helmet.

"We obviously have very different ideas of fun." But I couldn't prevent the smile from creeping onto my face. In all honesty it had been partly enjoyable. Particularly the part where I got to be so close to him, but I shook that thought from my mind.

He climbed off the motorcycle and we went to join the group in the queue. Luckily the bouncer seemed to be in a good mood and it wasn't long before we were inside. I gave my coat into the coat check and Naila took my hand as she led us to the bar.

The club was booming and I was surprised to see that there were so many people our age in the area. The dance floor was off to the left and multiple booths were scattered around, lit only by the small lamp on the tables. There was a thick smoke in the air that rose in plumes as the purple strobe lights spun around the space.

Once we reached the bar I let Naila order for us as I glanced around. It was obvious that most people were already extremely drunk and many of them were grinding against one another on the dance floor.

I tore my eyes from the sight of writhing bodies as I felt Kingsley come up behind me, noticing he was a little closer than usual. I wondered if it was due to the cramped intimacy of the club or extra fear for my safety.

"Do you want anything?" I yelled over my shoulder and he smiled at me.

"No I can't, I'm on the job technically."

I nodded, feeling slightly guilty that he had to follow me wherever I wanted. It wasn't like he had much choice, although I reminded myself that I wasn't the one forcing him to look after me.

I turned back to Naila as she handed me a bunch of shots. I eyed the blue liquid sceptically but joined her in necking them.

The alcohol burned harshly as it slipped down my throat and I grimaced. It didn't taste of much and I wondered why she'd bought so many. But before I could protest she looked at me with a mischievous grin and pushed 3 more towards me.

When we were done drinking them we turned around attempting to find the others. Kingsley used his height to see over most people's heads and pointed in the direction of the dance floor.

Naila grabbed my hand again and pulled me through the crowd. As we neared the area I spotted most of our group in the mesh of bodies and forced myself to refrain from laughing at Paul who was standing off to the edge, looking like it pained him just to be here.

We slid through the crowd and Amelia hugged us as if we had been apart for hours rather than minutes. We began to sway side to side in our embrace.

Naila eventually let go and Jasper pulled her towards him, spinning her around as the music thumped across the club.

I smiled to myself at the sight, his feelings for her were as clear as day and I made a mental note to talk to her about him soon.

As we all danced together I felt the alcohol begin to take it's affect as my body relaxed and my brain grew fuzzier and fuzzier.

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