chapter 14

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I checked my watch to see it was 5:30 and decided that it was time to call it a day.

Eli had left me in the library hours ago, he had to go to polo practice and I'd wanted to finish my portion of the research.

Kingsley had sat with me in miserable silence for the last three hours and the tension in the air was palpable. It seemed that being in Eli's easygoing presence had only infuriated him more and I sensed that a storm was brewing.

I sighed slightly and placed all my notes into my bag before rising from the table. I didn't bother to check if Kingsley would follow me, the icy shivers running down my back told me enough.

I strolled through the silent hallways, debating in my head what I wanted to make for dinner. I'd bought a new cookbook over summer full of vegetarian recipes and I'd been meaning to try a lot of them for a while.

As I reached my room I unlocked the door and slipped inside, quickly trying to shut it behind me but Kingsley wedged his foot against the frame.

I glanced up, staring into his overpowering eyes.

"I'm coming inside." His voice was lower than I'd ever heard it and the nerves stirred in my stomach.

"I'd rather you didn't." I spoke slowly, scared for his reaction.

He just continued looking at me so I gave up, rolling my eyes and opening the door before going to put my bag down on the desk.

Before he could catch me in the bedroom I quickly dipped under the doorway into the kitchen. I tied up my hair using the band around my wrist and swept the shorter pieces out of my face.

I grabbed the recipe book from the shelf, placing it on the counter as I began flicking through it. I scanned over the various photographs until my eyes landed on a beautifully vibrant curry. It was satay sweet potato flavour, I knew I had the ingredients already and began to get to work, pulling pans and measuring cups out, as well as spices and ingredients from the fridge.

As I got organised, I heard Kingsley clearing his throat loudly from behind me but I didn't regard the attention-seeking gesture.

"So are you just going to keep ignoring me?"

I began to cut an onion into thin slices as I spoke, "look, it's been a long day, don't you think you've stalked me enough?"

"Let me remind you again that I'm here to protect, not stalk."

"Well you don't have to worry, the worst danger here is crying from these onions."

"You know what I want to talk about."

I sighed and picked up the chopping board, sliding the onions into the frying pan as the oil began to pop. I reached for the grater, garlic and ginger, still refusing to look at him.

"I don't think there's anything to say." I spoke matter of factly.

This didn't seem to sit well with him as he was suddenly next to me, gripping my wrist to prevent my movements. I looked up at his stony face, there wasn't any trace of friendliness there and I felt my stomach drop.

"I'm going to say this one more time, I don't want you to be friends with that boy."

I glared at him and slammed the grater down onto the counter, tearing my wrist from his grip.

"That boy is my friend, and he has a name. I expect you to show him some respect, just like you do with Naila."

"That's different. Naila isn't trying to get under your skirt." His eyebrows furrowed and I had to look back down at the counter to give myself a break from the intensity of his gaze.

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