chapter 34

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Welcome to the news at 9, with me, Karen Gillian.

We bring no new updates on the story of Vesper Monroe, the 18 year old daughter of the wealthy banking tycoon, Darlo Monroe.

The victim was kidnapped late in the night two weeks ago from her boarding school, Hintlesham Academy.

She was discovered missing from her room by her bodyguard, her window had been broken into and the security cameras had been taken out.

The unfortunate circumstances of this event have made it difficult for investigators to determine who committed the kidnapping, or where the missing teen could be. The crime scene photos show evidence of a struggle and reveal the suspects' entry point, showing that they took advantage of the room's position on the ground floor of the manor.

This evidence suggests it was a planned attack and Chief Inspector Bailey told journalists on Tuesday that it is likely a group was involved in the abduction.

The school itself is well-known as one of England's most elite colleges, with many students belonging to some of the wealthiest families in the world.

The headmistress of the school, Celia Rooprak, acknowledged that the high status of the students has meant they've been vulnerable to attacks for a long time, although she insists that no official event has occurred until now.

After interviews with some students, OPT News has learned that many attendees have bodyguards that follow them to classes incase of any threats. Despite the victim having one herself, this did not seem to deter the criminals, and many attendees of the school are now questioning why there were not sufficient methods in place to avoid an incident like this.

We reached out to representatives for Monroe's family, friends and bodyguard, but as of yet not comment has been given on the situation.

Meanwhile, MI6 are still searching desperately for the missing teen, who it is assumed was kidnapped as a means of negotiation for money, though so far no contact has been made between the kidnappers and the family.

The police and secret service are no stranger to the understanding that with each day that passes, there is less chance of a victim being found alive.

As Metropolitan agents continue searching for leads related to the whereabouts of Miss Monroe, the public is urged to get in contact if they spot anyone or know anything they believe could be related to the case.

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