chapter 18

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1 month later

I steered Wario over the finish line and a golden 1 popped up across the screen.

"Yes! Take that suckers." I tossed the controller onto the bed as the girls grumbled angrily.

We'd been playing Mario Kart in Jess' room for the last hour and out of the 4 games, I'd won 3. I'd always had a knack for it, much to the displeasure of the others.

Amelia crossed the finish line next, taking 5th place, quickly followed by Jess and Naila. Naila threw the controller down angrily as she came in last.

"This is sucks! Vee you totally cheated." She glared at me in accusation but I just laughed.

"Not all of us can be born talented, I know you wouldn't understand." I jumped up from the floor before she could kick me and wandered over to my coat, pulling out my phone.

There were two messages, one from my mother asking if I wanted her to bring anything back from Greece and the other from Kingsley.

I opened his and scanned it. There was a photo of a boy and a girl who looked eerily similar.

K: Siblings or dating?

I smiled to myself, this had been one of our games for the last few weeks now. Now and then, we'd come across a photo of a couple or a pair of siblings, sending it to one another to guess the answer.

V: Siblings for sure, they look too alike. If not, I'm about to be very creeped out

Three dots appeared in the chat as began typing a reply.

K: Oh you're so very wrong, they're a couple, 5 years apparently

V: Damn, and I was so sure. It's true what they say then, that you come to look like the person you date?

K: Bet you wish we were dating, I'd make you one sexy motherfucker

V: I'm doing just fine with that on my own thanks

K: True...

I smiled at my phone, shaking my head at our silly encounter before slipping it back into my coat.

Things with Kingsley over the last month had been better than I'd ever thought possible. We were great friends now and it seemed insane that we once were enemies.

Each day we seemed to discover something new that we had in common, our relaxed dynamic was easy, we'd just clicked. I even cooked dinners for him sometimes when neither of us wanted to eat alone.

"What are you smiling at?" Amelia's voice broke into my thoughts and I glanced towards the group staring at me.


They exchanged amused glances.

"It's Kingsley isn't it? Are you guys still flirting?" Naila asked.

"No.... and we never have been. Now are we playing another round or moving onto the films?"

Before any of them could reply with another teasing response or a serious answer, our peace was interrupted.

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