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Laying in the bed with Symere, damn I love this man. No lie I'm happy that we were able to get pass the past. I don't want to be at odds with my soulmate. Things have been going good. We are in the process of getting to know each other again and building our bond & trust. I wish my sisters and his brothers get their shit together so we can be one big happy family. But I maybe reaching. 

My phone started ringing, checking to see who was calling. I got the surprise of my life. It's 8 am and Kenya should be at the school already so for her to have her emergency phone something aint right. 

"ChinaDoll, where are you? What's wrong? Why arent you at school?" picking up my phone, not even paying attention to my baby crying. 

"TT something wrong with momma please come." Kenya going into a fit of crying. 

"Stay on the phone babygirl I'm on my way and don't leave your stop." 

"Symere get your up, please something is wrong with Imani." Waking him up and trying to keep my tears at bay. See, each of our homes have a place for Kenya to hide if anything ever happens and she has an emergency phone. The issue for me is they just moved there and we hadn't had time to have an emergency plan. You would think we were Queenpins or something. But we just know the streets and crazy muthafuckas enough to have a safety plan in our household. 

Going to my text messages to send Maliyah a text. I realized that we had a text in the group chat 

Bad Bitches Only:

Mani: Come as soon as possible. Tony popped up at my crib. ChinaDoll in the spot. I love yall forever.

I stop in my tracks and broke down, I could no longer keep it together. With Tony we don't know what he is capable of and the fact that Kenya was there doesn't make it any better.

"Stormi come on bae we gotta go get ChinaDoll. I know you hurting right now but lets at least see whats going on. Im going to call mom and everyone else. Just go to the car I will lock up. I'm coming." Symere ensured me. 

"ChinaDoll, you still there?" I asked 

"Yes,  TT can you hurry I'm so scared. I don't know if my daddy still here. But TT I don't want him to take me. Please hurry or send someone. I don't want to be here anymore." Kenya cried out. 

Symere came to the car and sped off as if he was Nascar driver. 

"Everyone is on their way and so is the police. Baby everything is going to be okay." Symere said. 

We made it to Imani house in record time. By the time we were pulling up everyone else was pulling up. Walking to the house you would be surprise the police wasn't already here the front door was off the hinges and you can see blood trailing through the house. I broke down in Maliyah arms. We both began crying like babies. Trying to get myself together to find Kenya, almost forgetting that she as here. 

Naim stood at the door way with a unreadable face. Symere grabbed a cover and laid it on Imani while I grabbed ChinaDoll and took her outside to the car. Naim picked up Imani and placed him in his car. He didn't want to wait any longer for the police. Armani and Symere stayed at the house until someone came to fix the door. 

Getting to the hospital, they rushed Imani to the back. They also did a check on Kenya while we were there. We were all sitting in the waiting area for news on Imani, when Armani and Symere walked in. Naim got up and the men began discussing somethings. 

"Family of Imani Paul" the doctor came out and said. It's been over 3 hours waiting on these people. "Imani is stable but in coma. Ms. Paul suffered many blows to the head that caused her to slip in and out of consciousness. She also has broken ribs, nose, and her eyes will take some time for the swelling to go down. With the damage done to her hand she will have to go through physical therapy for sometime. With her being in a coma she can also take long to wake up or don't wake up at all. I can take yall to visit her but it's only two people at a time. I'm sorry Ms. Paul is going through this." the doctor lead the way to Imani's recovery room. 

"Doc, I need a private room and a room big enough to fit all of us."' Naim spoke. 

"Yall gone on up, we will hold ChinaDoll with us and once we all see her I will stay here while yall go home. Pick who ChinaDoll going to go with tonight." Naim told us. 

I look at Maliyah and we both followed the doctor. Walking into the hospital room, a cold chill came over me. I didn't want to see my sister laying in this bed. 

"Imani, I know life has throwed you so many obstacles. I know and watched you overcome so much in your life. I need to overcome this. You have a beautiful daughter waiting on you to hold, love, and kiss on her. Mani this isn't the end for you sis, this can't be we are about to graduate and start our careers. We have to many trips we've planned. I need you to come back to us sis. I can't leave with out the other pieces of me. You and Stormi are my other pieces. So, please get up we ready to take you home. I'm sorry that we weren't there for you much with this situation with Tony over the years. Trust he will reap what he sows. Also, the Rick family is here with us and Naim is barking orders around like he the boss. That man loves you and you need to wake up and get your man before somebody try to steal him from you. Sis I love you and I need you." Maliyah was talking to Imani who is just laying there. 

I didn't want to stay in there any longer so I started to the door. Surprising Maliyah was right behind me. She grab my hand, hugged me, and we walked out the room hand and hand. My sisters are my backbones. I'm trying not to break down, but it's getting hard. See, We've all been through our worse and best together. I know first hand what sis been through. I feel guilty because we don't fuss with Imani much. We let her live her life and we didn't even know it got this bad. So yes I'm blaming myself for not being there when sis needed me. 

"Did you want me to take ChinaDoll to the house with me or should we ask where she wanted to go?" Maliyah asked as we were getting close to the waiting room. 

"With everything going on we should ask her. I want her to feel safe and be okay at the same time. Our houses might not be safe because Tony knows where we leave. If he is looking for Kenya he would come to our houses after he leaves the school seeing as though she isn't there." I told her. 

"Yeah you right we may need to go elsewhere as well. I will pack what I got at my house for her. Also, we will need to go to Imani's apartment and pack up. I know she isn't going to stay there after this. But I will get up with you in the morning about this." Maliyah walked towards ChinaDoll. 

"Yall, can go up its room 1417." I let everyone in the waiting room know. 

Symere came up behind me, kissed me and walked off. I guess Momma and Naim are going to go last. Walking over to where Maliyah and ChinaDoll were. I sat in the chair next to them. You would think ChinaDoll came from all three of us the way we treat her. Babygirl has two god moms and a mom. And we all will go to bat for her. 

"ChinaDoll, you gone stay with us until mommy get better. Where did you want to go?" I asked her. 

"TT, I want to go with her." she said pointing at Momma Rick. 

Momma and Naim both turned around looking in the direction Kenya was pointing in. I was surprised because she didn't know them like that. We knew Momma Rick wasn't about to play especially when it comes to kids and women. 

"If that is okay with yall, she can come stay at my house. Shoot the boys still have rooms at my house. Yall can come stay there with her, that way she has some familiar faces around. How does that sound?" Momma said to us. 

"That will be fine and we will have to stop to grab things then we will come." Maliyah let her know. 

The guys was walking back in, I could of swore I seen tears come down both their faces. Letting them know what the plan is we all went our seperate ways and met back up at Momma's house. 

Momma and Naim stayed at the hospital. Naim is going to be there with Imani. We are going back in the morning. Kenya isn't going to school until I can figure out a way to get her father off the emergency contact. Luckily both me and Maliyah has rights to her if anything ever happens to Imani. This is the time we are going to have to be on top of things and watch our surroundings because I don't think Tony left and I feel like he will be back for more. I don't want Kenya in the cross fire.  


Chapter 25 (1668 words) 

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