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I knew Mere was having a hard time with the fuck shit we learned from Tony. I was stuck my damn self. I didn't realize a nigga I've known since the sandbox would hate me that much. I made sure everyone that was connected to me was eating and here this nigga go fucking it up for everyone. Coming home I knew that I would have to change some things within my operation. I'm glad I did. Fucked up part about this is I don't even want to kill these niggas. 

"Ny, what you about to do with these niggas?" Armani asked me.

"Honestly, I want them to die slow bro. I don't know if I want to use acid, and injection, chop them up, or let them sit for a month suffering like Imani did. I'm still thinking." I said to Armani. 

"Well, lets do chop them up some then make them sit then chop them again and put acid on them. or we can chop them; fingers, toes, legs and arms. Then put acid on them to finish them off. Or we can finally use the cremation machine and burn them alive. We have options bro. But my stomach hurt and I truly want to finish them off so its not on my conscious." 

"I say we chop and pour the acid. The acid is going to break them down fast but they will feel all the pain. The chopping with just be for our pleasure of seeing them suffering. If we chop small enough we can feed them to the pigs." Spazz spoke. 

I walked over to Jack and punched the nigga. I was beating the nigga like the pussy nigga he was. 

"So you thought you was gone break me. You sent this pussy nigga after my life. You stole from me. Why me cuz?" I said as I continue to punch the nigga.

Then I went to the table with all the knives. I picked up the biggest one and cut Tony legs and arms off. The nigga looked like he was ready to pass out. I wasn't on that at all. The nigga wasn't going out that easy. I sat Tony in front of Jack. Headed to the storage room, grabbing the acid I wanted to use. Walking to Tony I poured the acid on his head and it pour down his body. Instead of chopping Jack as up. I pour acid on his legs. The nigga screamed like a bitch. I waited for his legs to be gone then I pour from his neck down. The nigga was trying his hardest to move. I then lite a match and watch all three of them burn. I was done with the shit. 

"Call the clean up crew. Make sure there isn't any remains left behind and that they clean that other room as well. I'm gone. Oh Armani you better fix the shit with sis now before you be fucked up like me , my nigga. Spazz thank you nigga. We will talk don't forget you got studio time." with that I was gone. 

I had so much on my mind I needed to wash this day off me and I needed to go lay up under my momma because this shit just took everything in me. 


"Ma, where you at?" walking into Momma house. 

"Son, I'm in the kitchen." 

Seeing Kenya at the table waiting for her food caught me off guard. I forgot baby girl was with Momma for a minute. 

"Hey Little Bit,  how you doing?" 

"Hi, Mr. Naim, I'm okay but my name is Kenya ChinaDoll." Kenya said. 

"Bro, you gone let her treat you like that?" Mere and Momma was laughing. 

"I'm sorry ChinaDoll." I said. 

"Mom I need a moment." 

"Your brother told me what was said and son I'm sorry. I'm going to tell you like I told him. You all were destined to be more then where we came from. There is always going to be someone hating on you and not wanting to see you doing better than them. You have to weed out the bad ones and stay down for the loyal ones. Everyone in a place of evaluation will have to go through some separation. It just so happen that yours came from those who you felt you could trust. Trust that God got you and things will work out. I don't want you sad or mad any longer. The situation was meant to happen this way. How else would you have changed your train of thought when it comes to getting out? How would you appreciate what you want and knowing yourself inside and out? They thought they could break you, they only put you in a position to be build up more and to succeed even more. Baby you are EVERYTHING. Don't never forget that you are worth so much mentally, physically, and emotionally that the only way people feel they can break you is through your love ones. I'm proud to be your mom and happy that you are home. Naim, I'm grateful for you and your brothers. Yall made me better even through my struggle. I wont allow you to think of yourself any less thing Amazingly Great. I love you son." Momma said kissing my cheek then making Kenya plate. 

I needed a moment. I walked into my room showered and laid down in my bed. It felt good to finally sleep in a real bed that I drifted off to sleep the moment my head hit the pillow. 

"NAIM! NAIM! NAIM!" I heard. 

"Yes" stirring in my sleep.

"Can I come lay in her with you? Uncle Mere is gone and Granny is sleep. I keep having nightmares of my dad hurting my mom." Kenya asked. 

I didn't realize that Kenya was the one talking to me. I sat up in the bed and told her to come in the room. I don't know shit about kids, so I'm going to try and wing this. Kenya laid her head on my chest. My shirt felt wet and I was lost for a minute. 

"Kenya are you crying?" I asked. 

"Yeeeeessssss, I-I-I miss my mom and hope she is okay. But I'm sad because I don't want to go back to our new house. My daddy may find us again. You, Uncle Mere, and Uncle Armani has yall rooms here. So where is me and mommy going to fit?" she sniffed. 

"Your mom is going to be just fine. I will make sure of that. Also, we can go look for you all a new house in the morning after going to see mommy. Just dont tell her. Does that sound like a plan? 

I didn't want to bring up Tony ass to her because babygirl didn't need that right now.  I will let Imani do the talking about that. I heard little snoring and I knew Kenya went to sleep. I'm glad because I didn't know what else to say. I closed my eyes and was out. 


"Son, I don't want you to be mad if she isn't ready to start dating again. I need you to continue on with your life. If you two are meant trust it will happen. Right now she needs to focus on getting better and making sure Kenya is good. Love her from a distance if you have to son. I don't want you hurt anymore." Momma said on the way to the hospital. 

Today was the day Imani was coming home and Kenya picked out this nice home in Stockbridge. She didn't want to be near the city anymore. Her and Momma went ahead and decorated the house again. Nothing from the old/new apartment was brought with. I gave that stuff to a single mom around the way. I don't want Imani or Kenya to be reminded of anything Tony put them through. I just hope Imani likes it. 

"You right Momma, I'm gone fall back while she gets herself together. I just hope she allows me to see ChinaDoll sometimes." I voiced. 

Pulling up to the hospital, Momma and Kenya sat in the car. I went up to Imani's room. She was sitting on the bed side ways. 

"What's wrong Sweets?" I asked her. 

"Ny, I think its because I stay here. I do't want to go back to that house and I would rather sleep where there is people around consistently." She looked down with tears falling. 

"Sweets, you wasn't going back to that apartment. We can all come stay with you until your more comfortable then we will. But you have to go home. I know you sick of that damn bed. Come on lets go." I grabbed her hand and we walked out. 

"Mommy, I missed you so much. I'm so glad that you are back." Kenya said while trying to fight tears back. 

"Hey beautiful, have you been good for Momma Ricks?" Sweets asked Kenya. 

"Yes, Momma. I have my own little space at her house. She cooked me french toast almost every morning." 

Sweets laughed and pulled Kenya closet to her. That was the longest hug I've ever seen. Driving to Stockbridge.

"Naim where are you going? I know I lost that much memory." Imani said. 

I could stop laughing. I cant wait to see the surprise on her face. 

"Just take the ride and chill. I have to do something real quick. Then I will take you both home." I said looking through the rearview mirror. A sadness washed over Imani's face. 

Fuck I love this girl. I wished she loved me enough to forgive me. 


Chapter 32 (1609 words) 

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