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"Son whatever you do make sure that you are safe and that it is worth your freedom. You will not do this child any good if you are behind bars. So, don't think with your emotions. Give yourself sometime to come up with a plan. I know you and your brothers been having some problems on the outs. This isn't the time to cause no war or bleed the streets red. We need Imani to recover and be able to take care of her daughter. I know this hurts. I'm here for you. I love you Naim Ricks." My momma said kissing me on the forehead and walking out Imani's hospital room. 

Never in a million years did I think that this would be my life. Niggas stealing from me and the love of my life in the hospital fighting for her life dealing with a fuck nigga. Had I known this is what shorty was really going through I would have never been cool with her staying at that apartment. I thought the cameras would help .... 


Calling Symere, "What's good bro, you straight did she wake up?" he answered the phone. 

"Naw, bro she didn't, but I need you to do me a solid. I need you to pull up Imani's security footage and see if anything was caught on tape." 

"Okay bro I got you. I love you boy and dont react before thinking it through. See you in the morning. Love" 

Sitting here trying to come up with something to say. I love Imani and this shit hurt but I need to tell her something or at least talk normal to her so when she wake up she will know I was here with her. 

Everyone is telling me not to react and think before I do. Truth be told I'm ready to comb the fucking streets behind this one. I need to figure out what this Tony nigga look like and go from there.

"Imani, I know that you think a nigga don't love you and was trying to hurt you. But ma you so wrong. I love you with every piece of me. I want and need to protect you at all cost. Look at where you are at now. It kills me to know that our past caused all this pain in your present life. I may have not been there these last six years, however I'm here now. I'm not letting you slip away that fast, we had plans since we were kids. And you owe me a wedding and a few more kids. By the way Kenya is set for life. She wanted to go to Mom's house until you come home. I thought that was dope. Kenya did good too. She didn't move from her spot until her aunties came and got her.  Baby girl needs you so please wake up for her at least. I will be here with you until you come home. I love you Mani. Just wake up please" I didn't realize that I started to cry. 

This is hard. She look like she went through so much damn pain and I wasn't there to protect her. I opened this door trying to protect her from one thing, then walking her into a door with the reaper. When I find this nigga I'm killing him. My pigs are ready to eat. 


Next Day


"Bro, step out with us we need to talk. Let the girls have there moment." Armani came in the room and voiced. 

"What's good? Did yall watch the tapes back?" I asked. 

"Ummmm, yeah we did and we are glad it was us and not you. I think I've seen Tony around before. But you wont believe who I think he fuck with." Symere said. 

Looking at my brother with a side eye because he talking in circles and I need him to just give me the information. 

"Tony be with Jack. I done seen Tony pull up on Jack plenty times. Tony was trying to get on with us years back and we said no. I think this situation is deeper than him wanting his baby mama back. Here is Tony" Armani let it be known. 

Looking at the picture of Tony not only pissed me off but caused me to see red. Tony was the same nigga I saw coming out of Sammy house that day. So, now my question is if Tony knows Jack and Sammy what was there plan and why were they targeting me. I just looked at my brothers and walked back in the room. That was my way of telling them I didn't want to hear or see anymore. I had to think. 

I just sat on the couch watching how everyone was moving in and out the hospital room. Today mom was bring Kenya to see Imani for the first time. I don't know if it will be good. Maybe if she feels Kenya near she would wake up. When mom get here I will be going home to pack me a bag and come back. 

Kenya and Momma walked into the room. Kenya jumped into Momma arms and buried her face in Momma's shirt. She was crying. I felt so bad because she shouldn't have to see her mother like this. Momma walked Kenya to Imani's bed and put Kenya down so she could be closer to her mom. Kenya began kissing Imani all over her face. I need Sweets to wake up because Baby girl is not having it. 

"Ma, I'm about to go grab me a bag. Call me if you need anything." letting my mom know. Then kissing Imani and Kenya on the top of their heads. I headed home. 

"Naim, can we talk?" turning around from my front door seeing Sammy standing in my driveway. 

"Sammy, how do you know where I live?" I asked pissed off and ready to shoot her ass. 

"Naim, I miss you baby and I just wanted to see you. Why haven't you been returning my calls or coming to see me. I don't know what you thought you seen but I wasn't pushing dude out like that. That was a friend who needed a place to sleep. Naim, why would I be out here doing you dirty?" Sammy said. 

I couldn't stomach looking at shorty without seeing red. I was on my phone telling my brothers that I love them because I was about to off this bitch in broad daylight. She should have never came here. 

"I will ask you one more time, before I react. Sammy how do you know where I live?" Burning a hole in her with my eyes. She make the wrong move or say the wrong thing and shorty dead. 

"Well. Umm. I'm just going to go." She tired to turn on her heels to walk off. But she was too slow. I made it to her before she could even walk off. Grabbing Sammy up by her neck. This bitch thought I was fucking playing with her. 

"Since you want to play games, I got something for you." patting her down to make sure that she didn't have anything on her. I throw her in the trunk of my car. Called my homie to drop her car off to the chop shop. Luckily for me, my neighbors are more than 6ft away from me. They can't see into my yard and vice versa. Driving Sammy to one of the warehouses only my brothers know about. Stripping Sammy, I chained her up and left her in a small room. There was a pot to piss in. I will be back in a few days. 

Headed back to the hospital I was away from Imani too long and shit was eating at me. If stressed was a person it would be me. So many things were playing in my mind that I was just ready to kill. I didn't even need to know the truth because then killing the people who caused this pain wouldn't do for me. 


Chapter 26 (1354 words) 

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