The Garden

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You make your way up the hill slowly so that the change in scenery doesn't disturb the peaceful woods around you. A lot has changed since you left. The woods grew back nicely.

The house on the hill looks exactly like the day you left. Old and sad. It was the only thing safe from the fire. The area had been cleared at the top to make room for the house so no flames actually made it to the house.

You'll be safe here.

Nobody has come the this town in years. I bet the ghosts still haunt the grounds. You chuckle, remembering the stories you were told as a child. "They walk around at night." They would say, "Keeping out all those who wish us harm." You always believed that was bullshit but with what you've done there's a small part of you hoping the stories are true.

You finally reach the top of the hill. You are stopped by a familiar stone gate. You knock three times.




A piece of the door slides open revealing two golden eyes.

"What business do you have here?" The eyes ask.

"I'm here to see the master of the house. Tell them that their prize has come home."

~Time skip~

It's been about a week since you got to the house you once called your home. You've yet to see the woman who raised you. By the time you got there she had left for a conference and would not be back till that night.

To kill time you decide to walk around the gardens. The flourishing flowers look just as they did when you left. Taking a breath in, you remember your younger years begging her to let you outside to smell the flowers. The bright pink peonies and the light purple hydrangeas were always your favorite.

Walking to the stream and pond area you see some koi. Their orange and black scales contrast nicely against the white lilies in the water. You sit down on the grass next to the bank of the water. Taking one last look at your surroundings before lying on your back to look up at the sky. Out of the corner of your eye you see movement but before you can look someone is standing over you. You black out

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