The Plan

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Trust him. Does he know who he is talking to? He is stupid.

"Do you trust me?" He asks. Your silence was making him nervous. He wouldn't know what to do if you said no.

"Not at all, but I will follow you to the ends of the Earth if it is what you wish of me." You reply.

"I'll take that as an eventuality. Wonderful. Now, all we need is a plan."

"You are stupid."

"Hey! That's mean." He huffs.

"Well, it's just an observation. If you don't have a plan then we need to come up with one. And preferably quickly."

The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes pondering what can be done about the impending issue of more villains breaking into your place of residence undetected. Keigo takes the glass you had poured for him and sips it.

"Wasn't the old LOV's hideout a bar?" He asks, looking into his drink.

"Yeah, but it got destroyed in the raids a few weeks back. When All Might retired."

"Do you know where their new one is?"

"No. And they probably won't give it to me now that I've 'gone good'."

"But you could get it, right?" Asking as if he didn't hear what you just said. "Get it from Dabi. He called you his sister didn't he...? So you two know each other."

You can't meet his eyes as he speaks. You fear if you do then he will be able to tell that you are lying to him.

His hands come down on the counter, "You grew up with him, right."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement. He had put together the dots you had laid out for him.

'You're his little sister, right. He'll help you out."

"Stop that." You say.

"Stop what?" He replies while walking around the island. "What am I doing Y/n? Huh. I'm just asking questions. Can't answer them? Or won't answer them?"

He's next to you now. He could trap you with his wings if he wanted.

"Is that what you want then? Fine. I'll answer them. Dabi and I grew up together. Is that what you want to hear? Does that make you feel good?"

"No, I want you to say it."

"Toya died that day. Everyone knows that."

"But something else was born from the ashes."

You turn to look at him. Tears threaten to fall from your eyes.

"You make it sound so poetic. But yes, Toya died in the fires that day. Dabi emerged afterward, broken and scarred. His red hair became white from overusing his quirk. He was different. Hateful. He had every right to be. He was dead in the eyes of the outside world. Swore he'd get revenge on his father, and frankly, I hope I'm there when he does."

"Who was it? Who is his father? I'm sure if you make a case then you can get justice the right way."

It was almost as if he was begging. You know that there is no way the justice system would take a case like that. Let alone allow criminals to act as witnesses.

"I already told you, powerful people don't get punished. So let that part go."

He tries to speak but you cut him off before he gets the words out. "Let it go Keigo."

You break the stare by turning back to the countertop, downing the rest of your drink in the process.

"I can get you into the LOV." You finally say, cutting off the silence. "If you want to get the source then I can at least get you a meeting with Dabi."

He seemed to perk up at the sound of that. His usual demeanor returned to his face.

"I'll run it by the Commission and get the mission approved by the end of the week. Looks like we're back on track."

The man grabs the empty glass in front of you and moves to put it in the sink. He gives you a smile before heading off towards the stairs.

"Keigo." You call after him. He turns and looks at you, waiting for you to continue. "If you tell anyone anything I told you, even the Commission, I will not hesitate to kill you in your sleep."

"I'll make sure to keep my door unlocked then." He laughs before heading up the stairs.

You wait at the kitchen island for another minute before retreating to your room.


You try to sleep but your rest is plagued by nightmares. You run through the city only to run into a brick wall. The figure chasing you gets closer as you try to climb the wall. The figure grows closer but the wall only continues to grow in height. Just as the shadow reaches you, you wake up. It's the same nightmare every time. You'd recognize those screams anywhere. They were a mix between the boys and Dabi's.

Waking up from your nightmares was not unusual, but this time when you turned over in your bed, sleep did not take over. After waiting impatiently for sleep to take you again, you sit up. The clock on your nightstand reads 5:47.

No use in trying if I'm already up. You think to yourself. Begrudgingly you swing your feet from under the blankets. The cold of the floor wakes up the nerves in your legs as you make your way to the bathroom to start your day.

You yawn as you zip up your Hero costume, regretting not getting those extra minutes of sleep. However, the last thing you want to do is sleep in again. The one time you accidentally slept too long and the winged menace belly-flopped onto your sleeping self. What didn't help was that you had no pants on and the fact that you pinned him down and almost smothered him with a pillow. You, of course, quickly realized your mistake and helped him off of the floor. Since then he knocks and you now constantly wear pants to bed.

After finishing in the bathroom you head downstairs to start making yourself some sort of breakfast and to start making a more detailed infiltration plan. You have most of everything ready by the time Keigo joins you downstairs. It's quiet as he makes himself eggs. When he finishes cooking and sits down next to you is when you speak.

"I'm sorry for last night."

He picks at the food on his plate before responding. "Why are you apologizing? If anything I should be apologizing to you."

"I lied to you. I owe you my life. I should not have kept something from you. It will not happen again."

He finally meets your eyes before smiling. "You've got weird morals, ya know that. But anyway I apologize as well. I overreacted last night and should not have threatened you as I did."

"Apology accepted."

"Ditto. Now let's get to work." He shovels the food into his mouth before grabbing the notepad you were using and heading to the garage.

The commute to the office is spent not in silence but rather in a discussion about infiltrating the League. Fixing and perfecting the small details is key to convincing the Hero Commission to approve the mission. Keigo believes that a backup plan for the backup plans is useful. By the time you get to the office the notepad is almost full and the Pro Hero is giddy with excitement.

Words: 1207

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