Homeward bound

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After agreeing to fight him for your freedom, Hawks tells you to meet him at his agency around 3. After he walks out you make sure to lock your door this time.
You now have less than 5 hours to come up with an escape plan. You need to get out of the city without being caught by the League or Hawks, and everyone else that wants to kill you.
You make your way to your room grabbing stuff as you go. You empty the one full drawer in your dresser into your bag. Next, you walk over to the bathroom and grab the stuff in there. You change clothes and quickly put on a long wig. Taking the stairs down to the lobby you make sure to send a very important text.

My position has been compromised . Target discovered me. You are not compromised. Stay on task.

When you get to the lobby you tell the woman at the front desk that you will be away for awhile. You walk out onto the busy street, then disappear into the crowd.
You stick to the crowded streets till you get to the train station. I need a place nobody will look for me. You buy three tickets. One to a small station southwest of where you are now. One to a big city in the northeast. And the last one back to your hometown. It's a small farming town with not much around and even fewer people. A perfect place to hide for awhile.

After a long bit uneventful train ride you get to your stop. The station is exactly the way it looked when you left. You walk through what once was a town. Nobody was around. The place was quiet. The burnt buildings struggle to stay standing, as if one wrong breath will knock them all over.
This was the place you grew up. You played in these streets as a child. More importantly you hated the fact you came back. This is the one safe place for you because it is the one place everyone refuses to talk about. At least not since the fire.

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