Something always goes wrong

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"All I need to do is breathe." You say to yourself. It's cold up on the roof but it doesn't bother you. I have a job to do and I will not stray from my path.
You look in your scope. He's only moved a little so you readjust your position so he's in veiw. He's surrounded by fans. Great a crowd. Just makes my job harder. Hiding from pro heroes is hard enough, but killing them is a whole different story.
"Shit." You mutter. He's moved again. This time he's no where to be found. I start to dismantle my gun when you hear it, the flapping of wings. Fuck, he figured it out.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doing with such a big gun?" He asks.
You turn around to face him. Just as I thought the Number 2 Hero is perched on the edge of the roof. "Just doing some bird watching. Is there a problem Mr. Hero s-sir?" I put on my biggest smile. This will be a piece of cake. If my intel was right then he'll leave me alone after this. "But before you do anything M-Mister could I p-please have your autograph? I'm a h-h-huge fan."
"No need for such pleasantries. Just call me Hawks and of course I'll sign something for you, but first I'm gonna need to know why you're on a roof with a sniper rifle aimed into a crowd?"
You show him the magazine you had taken out previously. "E-Empty. I just like people watching. T-That's all"
"Doesn't explain your nickname now does it"
"I'm a-afraid I don't know what you're talking about M-Mr. Hawks."
"So nobody calls you the Reaper?" Your blood runs cold. How does he know? How?
"Sorry but my name is (fake name here). Not t-t-the Reaper." I force out a chuckle. If he knows who I am then I'm fucked. I rack my brain for a way out but if he knows who the Reaper is then there is no possibility of getting away.
"Oh sorry for assuming and everything, but you just fit their description so well. You clearly know that I'm a hero and wouldn't be so calm if you were the Reaper."
Bold of you to assume something like that Keigo Tamaki. I didn't think you had it in you. "Oh no sir, I-I-I am no villain. This is my dads" I raise the gun I'm holding "We don't have any binoculars so I use the scope on this to w-watch people."
"That makes total sense. Sorry for the inconvenience."
Sweet you think I'm home free. "T-Thank you Mr. H-Hawks sir. I h-have to go now. I don't w-want to w-worry my dad."
You finish packing up the gun and start to walk away when Hawks calls out to you, "Hey kid..."

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