Wiped Out

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The woman drags you around for the rest of the night, never once letting you out of her sight. You attempt to sneak away but she always seems to be right around the next turn.

Finally, after about an hour of meeting new people, you are officially pooped. You want nothing more than to wash your face and crawl into bed. You'd have a small hangover due to the five glasses of champagne, but it was nothing you couldn't handle.

"I'm done." You say as you stop moving with Mirko.

"What do you mean you're done?" She asks, turning around to face you.

"I'm wiped, pooped. My social battery is on zero. If I have to talk to one more person tonight, I am going to lose it and bash their head in." Mirko tries to hide her smile and fails miserably, you fail to see her ulterior motives behind it as you continue to rant.

"I've met a giant man with fluffy hair, who apparently is always hungry. An angry Asshole. A dominatrix of some kind. A lady who controls snakes. Someone who I think is sleeping with her teammate, I don't know. A very loud blonde man and his very tired husband. Not to mention the gun faced dude and Samurai. Oh. And you." You finish your listing and look at her. Oh no, is all you can think before she grabs you again and drags you to the middle of the room. There stands your new boss and a huge walking asshole.

"HAAAAAAAWKS" Mirko calls out. He turns and sees the two of you approaching. "Your new sidekick is just a doll. We spent the whole night joined at the hip. But don't worry I made sure to do your job for you and had her meet a whole bunch of people. So anyways, I'm off. Enjoy the rest of the party~~~~." Then, she turns and walks out the door you came in.

She just left me with this buffoon and... you look at Endeavor. Once up. Once down. ... this fire faced mother fucker.

"How are you liking the party y/n?" Hawks asks politely, attempting to cut the tension that has formed around him.

"Oh, the party is just wonderful sir. The first of many I do hope." You state as you continue to stare at the man directly in front of you. He meets your gaze with equal disdain.

"They are quite enjoyable. Even for a man like me."

Like what a pompous weasel with a tiny mustache.

Sensing the growing tension and awkward silence, Hawks takes a step towards you and places his hand on the small of your back.

"We must be going now Endeavor~san. We have a long day ahead of us." He bows and begins to guide you away.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Y/n." He calls out. You turn to him and bow.

"The pleasure was all mine sir." Turning back the fire in your eyes burns a little brighter with anger.


Words: 494

Sorry it's so short. I've been in a mood and finding out that my friend is fucking my ex after she told me that he was an ass and I shouldn't get back with him. Just mad I didn't break up with him sooner. Party!

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