A New Life

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You spent only a week in the hospital, all it chained up like a dog. Apparently, the Hero Commission didn't like the fact that Hawks decided he wanted a new toy. More importantly they didn't want it being the most wanted assassin in 13 different countries, including Japan and America. The Americans, however, were just glad she would stop killing their leaders and CEO's.

When you finally got out of the hospital you immediately had to stand in front of a committee and tell them what they wanted to know. You explained to them the same thing you did to Hawks a week earlier. Your life was in his hands. It didn't matter what they choose. Your fate was not theirs to decide.

Hawks told them that you'd be a great asset to heroes and he would even take responsibility for anything you did. They agreed to keep the Number 2 happy.

"However, this comes with conditions. You were to never leave the Pro Heroes side. You were to never harm or use your quirk without explicitly being told to or in emergencies only. Lastly, you were to protect the Hero no matter what it cost you. If you were to ever break these terms your loyalties will be called into question and you will be taken into custody and tried for treason. Do you understand these terms?" The councilman looks up from his paper and looks at you. You nod. He turns to Hawks and asks him, "Pro Hero Hawks, do you understand these conditions?" Hawks nods as well. The councilman stands to speak once more, "Very well then you are both dismissed. Thank you for your time."

You both bow to the council and turn to walk out of the room. Once you know they can't hear you, you nudge Hawks, "Oi, does this mean I get to take these off now?" You raise your arms to show the cuffs you've been wearing for the last week. He chuckles and nods, handing the keys to you from his pocket. You didn't even need them. You slipped your wrists out of the cuffs and handed them to Hawks. His jaw hung open as you pushed open the door to leave. "Are you coming or not, sir?" Your voice snaps him out of his trance and he quickly catches up to you at the door.

"How did you.. how did you do that?" He asks with a shocked face only this time his mouth doesn't stay open. You turn to him and giggle. "I'd teach you, sir but I'm afraid your hands are just too big. You need slim wrists and I don't even think yours would fit in those." You point to the cuffs in his hand.

"Would you stop with the sir shit." He says.

"But you're my boss now. Didn't you hear the man in the fancy suit. You're in charge of me after all." You taunt back at him.

"You don't need to be so formal about it." He shoots back at you in a tone you didn't like. It sounded as if he was bored with you. You react quickly and grab his arm stopping him from walking. You pull yourself into him latching onto his biceps. You get close to him and whisper, "My life is yours, remember so really I should be calling you master." You let go of his arm and pull away to watch a serious face turn bright red. You giggle again and continue walking to the car. You turn around and see that the once flustered Hero was nowhere to be seen. You look up and see a red blur in the sky. Damnit, I must have made him mad. So much for never leaving his side. You continue to walk towards the car. Good thing I snagged the keys from him while he was distracted.

Hawks pov

"Are you coming or not, sir?" She called out to me. Her voice broke me out of my surprise

I walked towards the door, the handcuffs still in my palm. She just slipped them right off at any time. If she wanted to she could have been long gone before anyone even noticed. She must be really serious if she isn't running off again.

"How did you.. How did you do that?" I asked, the surprise still visible on my face. She giggles while turning to you. So she can have fun. Walking backwards she says "I'd teach you, sir, but I'm afraid your hands are just too big." She's been looking at my hands? "You need slim wrists and I don't even think yours would fit in those." She pointed to the handcuffs in my hands.

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