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The office was quiet when the two of you finally returned. Everyone was hard at work or gone for the day. They all briefly look up at you when you walk through the doors but quickly get back to finishing the work in front of them. You walk past them on your way to the training room. Kelly doesn't even look up when you pass her desk. She has a million tabs open and 4 English books stacked on top of each other.

At least she's doing what I asked her to do, even if it is chaotic.

The training room was also eerily quiet as you approached it. Pushing open the door you step into the room. On the ground are Toyokami and Anderson, breathing rather heavily. Floating above them is Toyokami's Quirk. It looks somewhat flustered and nervous. They have yet to notice your entrance.

"I said to mark down basic training skills, not to work yourselves dead." The two boys and quirk all look up at the sound of your voice. "Did the two of you try to outdo each other while I was gone?"

They both scramble to stand up and attempt to look as if they were at attention. Anderson has his hand raised to his brow, in an American salute. This makes you laugh as you make your way over to the boys.

"The two of you really worked yourselves. You're sweating bullets." You state.

"Yes. We did exactly what you asked ma'am." Anderson declares proudly.

"Yeaah yeah whatever. And stop with the ma'am. I'm not your general or anything."

Anderson drops his salute and relaxes as you make your way over to the small shadow now hiding behind its body. After walking around the poor boys you finally speak, "Your quirk, Toyokami, it's a sentient being is it not?"

"Yes. Dark Shadow is in fact sentient and even capable of speech. They are a bit shy with new people." At the sound of his name the shadow emerges from behind Toyokami. Almost as if they have some sort of sense, Dark Shadow wraps around you. Before anyone can react the quirk is rubbing its face against yours.

"Just a bit huh?" You question as you raise your hand to pat the creature on the head. They slowly unwraps themself from around and nuzzles into your hand. "Nice to meet you too. Anyway boys you are excused to do whatever you want. Toyokami, please show Anderson to the dorms upstairs and remind Kelly to be gentle."

Once the boys have disappeared through the door you let out a sigh before going to wrap your knuckles. The punching bag looks inviting, like an old friend you never get to see anymore. You unleash everything that has happened to you over the past month.

The Failure for not finishing your task.

The Guilt for leaving them all.

Knowing that you are free from your old life has been haunting you. You don't know what to do with your time. Before, it was constant missions and intelligence gathering. Having a regular schedule has thrown you off. Having people you see every day has only made the feeling of loneliness in your heart heavier. It made you feel worse knowing that there were now people who cared about you. They are people who need you now. 

The thoughts made you angry, causing you to hit the bag even harder. You don't seem to notice the blood that has begun to seep out of your fists, at least not until a hand lands on your shoulder.

"Your hands are bloody. Why don't you give the poor bag a break, you've been at that for an hour."

It's not like you didn't know who had been watching you for the last thirty minutes, it's just that you didn't quite feel like stopping just yet. Emotions weren't needed, so from a young age, you would just punch until your hands were covered and the only thing you could feel was the blood pumping out of your hands.

"Let's get going. Time to go home." He says before leaving you alone once again with the punching bag. You take one last swing at the bag before walking away from it.


Sorry chapters stopped for awhile but they are back now. Thank you for all of the kind comments. They are the reason i have been able to find the motivation to keep writing. Next chapter will be extra long to make up for my absence. 

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