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As the guards escort you back to the control room you ponder if you're gonna die anyway. You won, but you weren't supposed to. The commission completely underestimated your abilities and your knowledge of your opponent. You were too dangerous to be left alive, but you were also skilled to kill.

Hawks thought the same thing as he watched you beat his idol on the screens in front of him. It was going to take a lot of convincing to let you live and even more to let him keep you under his wings. They could just take you away and have you go back to your life as an assassin, but for them.

He shakes the thought away when he hears the door begin to open. He looks over and sees a small army leading you into the control room. Your face has a look of absolute disdain and boredom. Hawks can't help but laugh at how annoyed you look. You shoot him a glare and motion to the handcuffs behind your back. All he does is shrug, knowing full well you can get out of those yourself.

The Blonde Bitch clears her throat to get your attention. Both you and Hawks direct your attention to her. She's the one who will ultimately decide your fate.

"Congratulations. You have passed the test even though we put you at a disadvantage."

"Disadvantage?" You snort. "It's almost like you didn't want me to have a chance at winning."

Ignoring your interruption she continues. "We have decided that Y/n is too dangerous to be left unsupervised and will be put under the watchful eye of the HPSC. She will no longer be left to you Hawks and will instead reside in one of our facilities."

"Absolutely not." You state.

"I'm sorry but you don't get to argue this." The woman deadpans.

"I'm sorry but that wasn't the deal. I beat your little game, even if it was rigged against me. Now, you're going to go back to the original deal before the Hero Commision needs to find a new Bitch."

Everyone in the room is silent, waiting for her response.

"This is not negotiable." She states.

Wrong move. Wrong time.

"Fine." You say. "If it's not negotiable then I will be leaving. I really expected heroes to be people of their word but I guess you and villains aren't the same. Goodbye." You drop the handcuffs on the floor and turn to the door. The guards are too surprised to stop you. Almost to the door, a hand stops you. You turn to the person bold enough to grab you.

It's Hawks holding your shoulder. He had a sad look on his face. The look tells you that he won't do anything against the women. You scoff at him and shrug his hand off of you. Before you step out of the room you turn back to him

"I am not a dog on a leash. I will not sit when you tell me too. You might be my master but I am still my own person. I will not be told what to do by a pussy scared of a bitch." You spit at him.

He watches as you leave. The light engulfs you as you disappear from his vision.

Your words pierce him.



What you said was true. He is scared. He is scared that they will dispose of him if he doesn't follow their orders. All he is to the Commision is a pet. A toy for them to shape however they please.

He looks over his shoulder at the woman and her guards. He looks back to the door.

"Hawks!" The woman warns.

He ignores her.

"Hawks!" She says louder this time.

Once again he ignores her as he stares at the door.

His feet move on their own. Soon, they aren't even on the ground. His wings expand the moment he is out the door and he races towards your figure.

As you are walking away you feel a rush of air pass you. All you see is a blur of crimson passing you before shooting up into the sky. The red loops around the sky before diving back down to the earth.

He stops right in front of you, wings stretched out and breathing heavily. He flashes you his signature smirk.

"You might want to hang on. I really made her mad so we've got to go." He says. You laugh as he grabs you.

"Well then back to the office, huh boss?"

Words: 736


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