First Day

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The ride back to the house was silent. You just stared at the passing cars while Hawks drove. When you got back you immediately got out of your heels. You then washed your face and crawled into your bed. Soon you fell asleep after going over the events of the day

The next morning was very similar to the one before it except that Kelly was not with Hawks when you opened the door to the hall.

"Get your suit on and meet me downstairs." He says before walking away. The suit does not zip up all the way. It's only a small struggle to get the thing onto your body and over your curves. After, you head downstairs and see Hawks standing by the window, so you make your way over to him.

"Good morning, sir." You say politely, snapping him out of his trance.

"You ready?" He asks while opening the door.

"For what?" You respond.

"Hero work of course!" He scoops you up and takes off into the air. You let you a small screech due to the quickness of the action, but soon relax when you take a look around.

You are in the sky. So close to clouds that if you reached your hand out, you could probably touch one. The houses and cars look tiny as you fly over neighborhoods and roads. As you make your way into the city, the buildings grow taller. The sun reflects off of the windows causing rainbows to appear in the early morning mist.

Hawks flies you to his office, all the while weaving in between buildings and towers. He is definitely attempting to show off right now.

A building approaches with a large balcony near the top. He lands gracefully on it before letting you out of his arms. You rush to the side and see the rising sun framing the cityscape.

"So how was my flying?" Hawks questions. You ignore him for the breathtaking view until he starts to poke you in the cheek, wanting an answer.

"It was fine." You respond, slapping his hand away. He puffs out his chest in pride. "Though I could tell that you've never done that before." His pride dissipates. "Your hand was on my boob."

"W-why didn't you tell me." He stutters out.

"I didn't want you to get embarrassed and drop me. Being dropped by an oversized chicken is not the way I planned on going out." You laugh, while beginning to head inside.

"I'm not a chicken, I'm a Hawk." He mutters as you pass him.

Once inside you are greeted by the business of a hero office. People at desks filling out paperwork. Others on the phone. Many people just seem to be running around with stacks of papers. You notice a small figure darting in between groups.

"Kelly!" You whisper shout. She stops and turns in the direction of your voice. Before she notices you she looks distressed, but when she sees you her face lights up.

"Y/N!" She screams. Everyone else in the office stops what they are doing for a brief moment to stare at you and Kelly before returning to their work.


"Shhhhhhh Kelly. We talked about volume control." One of her coworkers tells her. Kelly only bows apologetically before continuing.

"It's great that you're here." She whispers loudly. "There is a very scary lady in the conference room wanting to talk to you and the boss. I tried to tell her that she needed to schedule a meeting but she was so persistent. Then she got tired of me and told me that she was from the hero commission and needed to talk to the both of you as soon as you got in."

"Thank you Kelly. We'll handle her from here on." Hawks says, coming out of nowhere. Kelly bows and leaves to go do whatever she does.

"Listen, Y/n." Hawks says. "Let me do the talking. This woman is very persistent and I really don't know what she wants with you, besides taking you away from me and using you as a test subject/pawn. She'll try to get what she wants and will pull any string to get it.

"Don't worry sir. Nobody can take me away. My life is yours, it is a sacred bond. Besides how bad could she possibly be."

Words: 710

A new antagonist??????? Also I need hero names for y/n and would love some ideas. I was thinking Charmer or Persuasion but those seem really boring to me. Snake charmer fits the animal theme. I'm super bad at naming things so please leave your suggestions.

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