My Resolve

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"It's time." The woman says from the doorway. She motions you to follow her. You stand up from your desk and make your way out the door. Three buff dudes follow behind, just in case.

This whole thing is utterly pointless. If I wanted to escape then I would have done it weeks ago. These people are incompetent.

You follow the woman while mumbling about how stupid this is. She wasn't the one from earlier, with the attitude, but probably one of her assistants. It was annoying that the woman would send a lackey to do her dirty work. And the fact that she also sent bodyguards with her. You had taken down stronger. It wouldn't be hard to disarm them.

They all wore the same style suit. Black and fitted to their body types, which meant they were paid for by the Commision. Each carried a handgun on their left breast. Strapped to their sides were tasers in holders meant to make it look like a firearm. One walked with a heavier right step so you assumed that he had a small hand held in his ankle.

You smirk to yourself as you enter the elevator with the four of them.

"Four guns, three tasers, two guards in love and one unarmed woman. I was sure they would send more than this to escort such a danger to society." Internally you laugh at the stiffness that grows in the tight box. "You wanna know something? I could kill all of you and escape. But you know what? If I really wanted to get out of this nightmare I'd have done it already. So chill. Y'all look like you got a 3 meter metal rod shoved up your asses. That means you too Princess. If I wanted you dead I would have done it when you dared to make eye contact with me earlier." The poor girl lets out a small gasp before the elevator doors open and you step out. Waiting for you is a large SUV.

After a very long and quiet car ride you arrive at what looks to be another arena. Oh great, this again. Inside there is a small city. Tall buildings tower over you as you stare up at them.

"This way please." She leads you and the men around the arena and into a dark hallway. At the end of the hall she opens a door and motions you to step in. Inside looks to be a control room.

Standing in the middle is that stupid blonde woman, Hawks and a few others you didn't care to recognize. You ignore the people watching you as you walk towards your boss. You greet him with a bow.

"Good afternoon sir. I hope everything is to your liking. I had nothing to do with it."

He smirks at your comment before straightening his lips. The bitch clears her throat to get our attention.

"Now that you are here we can begin." She waves her hand and two men come forward with cases. "These will be your weapons against your opponent. You must subdue him before you leave. If you succeed at this then we have no choice but to allow you to continue to work under the Pro Hero Hawks."

The cases are opened to reveal a dismantled sniper and a standard 9mm handgun. You take the cases from the men and place them on a nearby table and start working. The people in the room stare as you completely take apart the M82 rifle. You check it clean and inspect that there are no missing pieces. There of course is, and it is the smallest but most important part.

"Should I ask for a firing pin or do I not get one?" You ask not looking up from your task.

"I'm surprised you noticed." The woman responds.

"Well you can't really fire a gun without one. Not that you would know how too, especially considering your security detail."

"Y/n, please." Hawks interjects.

"Whatever. Do I get one or not?" You ask again.

The woman moves her hand once again and a box slides over to you. You open it and find the missing firing pin. You don't bother thanking anyone. Once the pin is put in its place you start reassembling the gun. Muscle memory takes over and you have it done in less than a minute.

"So do I get paint balls or something?" You jokingly ask. Once you do, another box slides over to you. It contains the magazines for both guns.

"You will get 20 rounds for the sniper and 12 for the handgun. They are specially designed to stun the target on impact, so use them sparingly." A small man with glasses states before sinking back into the shadows.

"Sweet." You say under your breath. You load the cartridges from the box onto their places on your belt and in the guns. The 9mm's holster wraps around your thigh and you sling the M82 strap over your shoulder.

The woman nods to Hawks and he guides you to the door. Once in the hallway, Hawks relaxes.

"If you lose they'll kill you on the spot."

"I know. I don't plan on dying again. So don't worry too much."

"Come back to me alive, ok?"

You give him a soft smile before saluting him.

"Yes sir."

You turn and make your way to the end of the tunnel. Hawks watches you disappear into the sunlight, then makes his way back into the control room. He stands against the wall, watching you on the many screens in front of him.

Walking out into the sun reminds you of the last time you had to fight someone. The labyrinth flashes back into your mind. It's the first time you've thought of it in detail. Like a dam breaking open, the terror of the fight washes over your mind.

No. You think, shaking the thoughts out of your head. I have the advantage. He's never seen my quirk before. All I need him to do is drop his guard, then he'll be mine. I will not lose again. I will walk away from this fight. I will come back this time.


Gahhhhhhh!!!!! Thank you for reading!!! Love yall so much!♡♡♡♡

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