Family Dinner

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??: "Oh great that just made my job a whole lot easier."

You both look in the direction the voice came from and see red wings land on top of the pavilion by the water. You're surprised to see him there but your mother isn't fazed.

"Ah! You must be The Pro Hero Hawks. Welcome to our humble home. May we offer you some dinner?" She gestures towards the house with a wave of her hand. And with that wave the doors slide open and you see a table ready and waiting.

"I am starving. Food would be wonderful right about now." He says with a smirk as he looks over to you. Something is going on here. You just need to figure out what it is.

A you sit down at the table you watch your mother. She is carefully watching the Hero as he kneels down to eat. His wings stretch out as he sits eagerly awaiting the food.

"For dinner tonight we are having Pork Dumplings and rice, along with a side of grilled spinach." The cook steps aside as trays of food are brought out of the kitchen. You smile remembering the extravagance your mother always strives for.

Placed in front of you is a tower of steaming dumplings. You grab a plate full and are about to dig in, when you hear a sound next to you.It sounds like a grunt so you look over. Your mother is staring bullets at you. You place the food down and look apologetically at your lap.

"Thank you for the blessing of food, family and new friends." She looks over at Hawks who has already begun stuffing his face with rice. You grab a dumpling and bite into it. The taste makes you melt into the floor. You had forgotten what really food tasted like since you had been living off of whiskey and instant noodles in your apartment. The cook had gone with mother so there wasn't this much elegance in the food you had been eating since you had returned home. Your pulled back into reality when you hear your mother speak,

"So, Mr. Takami," His wings perk up at the sound of his name. "I hear that my daughter has backed out of an arrangement you made. Please tell me about it." Her elbows rest on the table and her chin rest on her fist.

"Well, I met y/n on a rooftop as she was trying spy on me with a sniper rifle. She very clearly lied to me about what she was doing on the roof, claimed she was just a shy fan." He winks at you with that same damn smirk he's always got on. "So of course I gave her an autograph. She left using the stairs but I never actually saw her leave the building we were on top of. I spent the rest of my patrol looking for her, because what hero would I be if I let a young lady walk home alone at night." You glance at mother and see that she is enthralled by his words. "After searching forever-"

You cut him off, "Oh please, it was like an hour."

"Shhhhh! Let him speak child." Your mother hisses at you. Hawks goes back to his telling.

"As I was saying, after searching hours to find the young maiden, I finally see her walk into a building. I send a few feathers to check all of the floor as I go in and talk to the nice lady at the desk. Wonderful woman. Very talkative. She told me that you lived on floor five so I sent my feathers there and saw a man leaving your apartment." You make a mental note for next time you move: no chatty receptionists. "Anyway, I slip one of my feathers into an open window." Another note: close the windows when you leave. Actually don't open the windows anymore. "I am just about to fly back to my house but not before seeing a familiar face leaving the building. Yeah.... It was quite strange seeing a member of the League Of Villains walk out of the building you live in, don't ya think y/n? " His face is so serious when he asks that you know if you lie he will know. All of a sudden your mother laughs.

"Bahahaha. It was Dabi wasn't it? He's the one with the blue fire. I didn't realize that was him in the league. He's grown up so much. Your father liked him so much when he was here? He's En-"

"Yeah mom you are so right. He's the one that started the fire in town." You manage to cut her off right before she spills his secret. Because you know if Hawks finds out Dabi will too.

"Ugh! You two were inseparable as kids. Basically married." You cover your face at the mention of the past.

"So..." Hawks starts "You and Dabi were close as kids?"

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