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The two of you make your way back to the front of the store in an uncomfortable silence. When Kelly sees you she runs up to you and checks you to make sure you have no cuts or bruises. Once she finishes her inspection, she demands an explanation. Hawks tries to start explaining but you cut off his sorry attempt.

"Sorry Kelly. Hawks saw a lady get her purse snatched so he dropped everything and went after the perp."

"Yeah, sorry kid." Hawks adds. "I didn't mean to scare you."


The three of you pick up your stuff and make your way to the food court. Hawks goes to order some chicken while Kelly drags you over to help you decide.

"THIS PLACE HASSSSSSS EVERERERYYYYYTHING YOU COULD EVER WANT!" She giggles as she pulls you around. "I PERSONALLY LOVE EVERYTHING! LIKE ANY TYPE OF FOOD MAKES ME HAPPY!" You put your hands on the girls shoulders and look her in the eyes. You don't activate your quirk, you just say it nicely.

"Inside voice Kelly, inside voice. There are others around us. And I don't think they appreciate being yelled at."

Kelly looks around and sees everyone in the vicinity staring at her. She mutters a sorry and looks at the ground in embarrassment. You wrap your arm around the kid and ask, "Still got his credit card kid?" She smirks and hands it to you.

The two of you buy yourselves a feast containing all your favorites. Kelly is ecstatic due to the amount of food. Apparently since her quirk is always in use she needs to eat constantly to keep her energy up. She continues to tell you about her quirk as you look for a table. Hawks joins you after getting his chicken and taking a few photos with some fans.

"Is it always like this?" You ask Kelly.

"Yuuuup." She answers with a mouthful of food.

"Today's been pretty good, hasn't it ladies?" Hawks asks as he sets down his food.

"If you count running around looking for clothes fun, then sure."

"OF COURSE IT WAS FUN!" Kelly interrupts. "I MADE A NEW FRIEND WHOSE ALSO MY NEW BOSS. I GOT TO HANG OUT WITH TWO REALLY COOL PEOPLE AT THE MALL. NOW, I GET TO EAT!" She takes a giant bite of her burger before continuing to talk. "WE ALTHO FOUND A THUPER QUTE DRETH FOR HER TONITE! IT'LL GO GREAT WITHHH YOUR WINGTH THIR." You look between Kelly and Hawks, not knowing what just came out of the girls mouth. Hawks just chuckles.

"Well I'm glad you had a good time kid. Oh! That reminds me. Y/n, you need to accompany me to an event tonight. It's for heroes and their agencies. And before you ask you can't skip it, I need everyone to know that you are my sidekick now." You let out a sigh. Thanks for the notice boss man.

"I understand. What time will we be going?" You say before Kelly cuts in.

"We just have a few more things to get you and then we can go. The party starts at 7:00 and it's currently 2:00, so that gives us five hours to finish up here then go get you ready for your big debut."

"Oh joy." You as you stand to clear your plate.

Kelly grabs your hand and pulls you into a few more stores before you finally head back to the car. The three of you stuff all the bags in the car. On the way home Kelly blasts music and almost kills you a few times. You make it back in one piece but make a mentally note never to let Kelly drive you around again.

You make your way to your closet with all the new items and dump them on the floor. Kelly runs between your bathroom and the car and brings in as many bags as she can at a time.

"That kid never runs out of energy." You comment to Hawks as the both of you stare in amazement as Kelly begins to organize your closet.

Once she finishes and walks out triumphant about an hour has passed. You have three hours left to get ready. Thanking Kelly for her hard work, you push them out and start the shower.


Words: 725

sorry for the boring chapter :(

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