Waking Up

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You slowly open your eyes only to be blinded by fluorescent lights. You try to cover your eyes but something stops you. You can barely make anything out with the lights but the cold metal and clanking of chains tells you all you need to know.

"Glad to see your awake kid."

The voice comes from the corner of the room. All you see is a blur of red, but you already knew who it was. You try to speak but your mouth is too dry to form any words. The blur moves closer to you.

A hand lightly grabs your chin and tilts your head back. You feel cold water slide down your throat. You want more but the liquid stops.

"The doctor said to give you some water when you woke up. You're plenty hydrated 'cause of that IV, but you drool when you sleep so you might need that." By now your eyes have fully adjusted to the whiteness of the room. You see Hawks' soft smile as he put the water bottle down onto the table next to you. Trying to sit up, you say, "How... how long?" you can barely move your body, let alone form a full sentence.

"Just about 2 days. You lost a lot of blood so they put you under. They also didn't want you to..." His voice trails off. They didn't want me to finish the job.

"So.....?" You try to start a conversation but you're too tired to form any words.

"I'll go get the doctor to check on you." Hawks says, already halfway to the door.

Great. You think. My life is his and he can barely even stay in the room with me. He's never going to forget what I made him do. A knock on the door breaks you out of your mind.

"Hello, miss y/n." An old man with a gray beard walks in to greet you. "I am very pleased to see that you're awake. I'm just going to check on all your vitals and make sure your organs are working properly." He pulls the stethoscope off from around his neck and places it on your chest. You breathe when he tells you too and even try to sit forward for him when he asks. However, you are still too weak to do as he asks so he calls over Hawks to help. Their hands slide between you and the pillow as they gently push you into an upward position. The cold of the men's hands on your bare back causes a shiver up your spine. After checking if your heart still works, he moves on to blood pressure. He wraps your arm in that thing and pumps it full of air. He moves the stethoscope piece under to hear.

"Everything seems normal." He says with a cheerful smile. Then he looks at Hawks, "Sir if you could help me move her one last time please." Hawks holds you steady as the doctor moves your so that you are sitting on the bed with your feet dangling off. He checks your reflexes before finally letting you lay back down. He exits the room with Hawks following.

You are mentally and physically exhausted after only being awake for 30 minutes. Your head hits the pillow and you hope to fall asleep but sleep never comes. You stare at the ceiling for what seems like forever. Eventually, Hawks walks back into the room. You continue to stare at the ceiling in silence. He takes a seat in the corner again and puts his head into his hands.

You look at him. All you feel is guilt. "I'm sorry." You can barely manage a whisper. He looks up at the noise.

"Does the idea of working for me really make you feel that way?" He meets your eyes. He stares at you with the same look you use to control people. His eyes plead for you to tell him.

"You don't understand." You state as you break his gaze. Looking up at the ceiling you continue, "I was raised to be an assassin. I was nothing more than a tool used for death. I could make the most powerful men fall to my feet and beg for mercy. It was all I knew." You look back at Hawks who is now standing. "I understand that. But... but why would you make me-" You cut him off.

"Death is the only way out for an assassin. There is no retirement you work till death or people stop requesting you. Once that happens then you train the generation that will take your place and the cycle continues." You look into his eyes. "I died that day in the arena. I no longer live the life of an assassin. I live to serve another purpose. I promised I would face the consequences of my actions. I will not back down, not again." You slowly stand up from the hospital bed. You face Hawks and bow. "As our agreement Hawks, sir, my life is yours." You feel a hand on your shoulder and begin to straighten up.

"You really shouldn't be out of bed. Even if your boss is in the room." You look at him and see him smiling.

"Yes sir." You say back with a sarcastic smile and a little salute. "But first can you get these damn handcuffs off me." You try to raise your hand but are stopped by the short chain.


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