The Party

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You've been to high class parties before. Your goal was usually to seduce the target and go home with him so you could kill them. Drawing attention to yourself was never hard and neither was persuading the target to take you with them. However, you weren't going to this party to kill anyone. You were going because you had to. And you did not want to attract attention to yourself. The party was for heroes and you had just switched sides due to an unforeseen problem.

The water washes over you as you ponder how to look as basic as possible. You only have the one red dress. That alone will cause heads to turn. Stepping out of the shower, you dry yourself off. Wrapping your damp hair and body into towels, you make your way to the closet.

You find the red dress and some black pumps to go with it. You hang the towel on the rack after drying off the excess moisture. Looking through the draws you find all the things you need to look presentable at a Hero function.

~Time skip brought to you by being a bad bitch who does her makeup and hair however she wants~

After a short car ride you and Hawks pull up to a very nice looking house just outside the city limits. Stepping out of the car the cold night air runs a chill up your exposed back. Hawks hands the keys to the valet and makes his way over to you.

"You seem nervous," He comments to you while guiding you into the mansion. "Don't be. Best Jeanist throws the best parties. Besides, he just got out of the hospital, so it's time to celebrate."

You remember when you were working for the league, Toga told you about the heroes that destroyed their first hideout after they captured a UA student. It got so bad the infamous All for One had to step in. That was the All Might had to retire and the day that His bounty went up, causing you to take the job. Jeanist must of been one of them.

Hawks snaps his fingers in front of you, breaking you out of your thoughts.

"Hey, you good kid?" He asks, genuinely concerned that you might faint or something.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You respond. "Just never thought I'd be in a room with a bunch of the people I could have killed for money." Hawks chuckles as you make your way down a long hallway.

"Well it might be the best idea to keep that part of your life a secret. Your warrant might have been cancelled but some people aren't quite as forgiving as I am." He puffs out his chest as you just roll your eyes. "Oh and if anyone asks, we are old childhood friends who ran into each other and I asked you to come work for me." You stop walking and stare at the man. "What?" He asks.

"Childhood friends. That's what you came up with?" He continues to walk, leaving you behind.

"Actually, it wasn't me. It was the commission. If it were up to me I would have gone with star crossed lovers destined to work together as their feelings grow stronger for each other every passing day." He says dramatically while placing one hand on his heart and the other onto his forehead.

"That's way too dramatic and doesn't even make any sense."

"Well I thought it was a good idea." He says with a pout. The two of you finally make it to the doors at the end of the hall.

"Well I'm sure there are plenty of ladies whom you can woo in there, Romeo." You say as the two of you step into a magnificent ballroom. The room was lit by three ginormous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. It looked as if it was straight out of a fairy tale.

"He has a bit of a flare for the extravagant." Hawks whispers to you as you stare at the beautiful room.

"Why was I the one you brought? Why not Kelly? She seems better suited for these events." You accidentally blurt out.

"Hahaha... well last time I brought Kelly.. Let's just say it didn't end well. I mean she did just graduate from high school and was new like you but she wasn't quite at the level I believe you to be at."

"So you're saying I am more mature than a highschooler?" Hawks nods in response. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not." Before he can answer a loud scream pulls your attention away.

"HAAAAAAAAAWKSSSSSSS!!!" The girl screams making her way over to you. "I MISSSED YOU!!"


words: 770

I'm sorry I didn't post for a week. I've been burnt out and feeling bad. But I'm Better now so here's the new chapter. Enjoy and don't forget to vote please :)

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