Chapter Twenty Three

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Joanna and Kincaid sat as still as stones as they feasted. Like Marian had said Rena was all over Andrew. She was practically in his lap. Even from their end of the table Joanna could still smell the stale wine and sweat on Andrew. Kincaid was very tense. He had taken notice that Andrew would not take his eyes off Joanna. He gripped the arms of his chair till his knuckles were white. It was his only form of controlling his rage. Joanna took notice and laid a hand upon his. Kincaid looked down at her. She gave a reassuring nod, and Kincaid slightly relaxed. Marian sat still quietly next to Joanna. Joanna saw her shaking. Joanna clasped Marian's hand. She gave it a reassuring squeeze. In all reality Joanna was petrified. She was riddled with fear as to Cathleen's condition. Joanna had to be brave though.

Suddenly the doors to the dinning hall opened. A nurse maid walked in. Joanna held her breath. From behind the maid a little girl appeared. She had grown taller, and it almost seemed like her blonde hair got curlier. The little girl looked sick though. Her skin looked an unhealthy pale and her body looked malnourished. She walked stiffly into the room. Joanna's heart was breaking at the sight of Cathleen. Cathleen's eyes were fixed on the ground. Joanna wanted to call her to sister but she didn't. "We have been waiting too long. Why does she make us wait?" Rena asked the maid.

"I am terribly sorry your highness. The Lady Cathleen had troubles dressing this evening," the maid said.

The woman dared not say why she had trouble. Joanna knew why. Everyone knew why, but didn't acknowledge it. Rena rolled her eyes and Cathleen took a seat next to Marian. She glanced over at Marian. Cathleen looked very surprised to see her. She looked upset until she caught sight of Joanna. Cathleen started to tear up. Joanna slightly shook her head. Cathleen pressed her lips together. "Don't stare child!" Andrew barked. "He may be a savage, but I will not have the feast be consumed by people staring at him." Kincaid boiled.

The feast began when Andrew slammed his empty goblet onto the table for more wine. As Joanna ate she saw the way she played with Andrew. Rena was clever. She knew how to seduce a man. She laughed at everything he said about Kincaid and their friends. She touched him lightly leaving him wanting more than a simple stroke of the cheek. Joanna begged the gods to make it stop. She couldn't take one more girlish giggle or squeal from Rena. Joanna kept a watchful eye on Cathleen. She was served no food. Cathleen stared at the food longingly. When no one was looking Joanna slipped a piece of bread under the table. She passed it to Marian. Marian looked at her. Joanna nodded towards Cathleen. Marian discreetly passed it on. Joanna watched as Cathleen's eyes lit up at the food.

"Oi! Why don't you eat?" Andrew barked at Cathleen.

The little girl froze.

"Is this meal not lavish enough for you? Does it not suit you?" Andrew prodded. When he didn't get the reaction he wanted he threw a piece of bread at her. Marian mumbled for her not to move. Cathleen obeyed. Andrew was displeased.

"You should be grateful you little whore. Instead of throwing you out in the filth of this world I keep you here in my palace," Andrew said. "Still you look upon my meals as mere scraps for mutts. I will NOT STAND FOR THIS!" Andrew stood shouting at her. Cathleen pressed her lips together trying not to cry. "GET THIS WHORE OUT OF MY FEASTING HALL!" Andrew shouted. The maid moved quickly to remove Cathleen. As the two moved out Andrew ran towards them and slapped Cathleen. She screamed in pain. Joanna and Kincaid jumped up. Rena watched them carefully to see what they'd do. The maid proceeded to take Cathleen away and Andrew took his seat. Joanna and Kincaid slowly sat down. Andrew looked furious. "The feast is finished. You are dismissed," Andrew said.


Joanna hurried down the hall to find Cathleen's maid. The maid closed the door to Cathleen's chambers. Before Joanna could reach the door the maid stopped her. "No one is allowed in my lady," she said.

"Please I must see her," Joanna begged.

"I am sorry my lady the king has ordered no one to visit Lady Cathleen," she said.

"Listen to me," Joanna pulled the maid to the side. "Do you care about my sister?"

"Yes of course," she replied.

"Do you want the best for her?" Joanna asked.

"Yes I do," the maid said.

"Then you must let me in. I'm here to help her," Joanna said. "So you must let me in."

The maid was hesitant at first. She was trying to decide if she believe Joanna. Finally the woman nodded and stepped aside from the door. Joanna quickly opened the door. Joanna slipped inside and closed the door. Joanna found Cathleen laying on her side. "Joanna?" she asked weakly. Joanna rushed forward and held Cathleen. Cathleen cried out. Joanna released her and saw the tears in Cathleen's eyes. On Cathleen's back she could feel strange ridges. "Why are you here?" she asked.

"I'm here for you," she said.

Suddenly Cathleen hissed in pain. Once more Joanna lightly felt the ridges that crisscrossed on the little girl's back. "I have to get you to Aílis," she said. Cathleen began to panic. Joanna tried to hush her and keep her calm. "They'll hurt me more," she cried.

"I promise they will not," Joanna reassured.

"They took you away from us," Cathleen cried.

"I know but please listen to me. They can help," she said.

Cathleen was very hesitant. "They will not hurt you," Joanna reassured. Finally the little girl nodded. "Can you walk?" Joanna asked. Cathleen shook her head. Joanna stood up and picked the little girl up. Cathleen cried. Joanna quickly went to the door. She quickly opened it and left. As she passed the maid Joanna said, "Make sure no one knows about this." The woman nodded understanding. If Rena found out what Joanna was doing the gods only knew what the punishment would be.

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