Chapter Thirty Three

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Another week had past when they had given up hope of ever seeing Daven. There was a sigh of relief within the small family. Joanna and Kincaid sat in the hall listening as people talked and came in escaping the cold. Marian and Cathleen played with the children around the roaring fire. They laughed and giggled as they braided one another's hair, or played small hand games. Joanna held the bundle of fur that was her son. He napped peacefully even as there was much going on around him. Kincaid talked with one of his men. He was more than happy to talk all about his son, and how he was made. She had given up trying to silence his bragging. Suddenly all conversations ceased as the doors blew open letting in a gust of wind. A man wearing a hood and cloak strode in. He took long quick strides towards Kincaid. The children watched with curious eyes as he passed them. He removed his hood to reveal one of Kincaid's men. "My lord. A messenger from Britannia came to the border with an urgent message for you," the man said. He handed Kincaid a scroll.

Kincaid hesitantly took the scroll from the man. "Thank you. You're dismissed," Kincaid ordered. The warrior placed a fist over his heart and saluted him. The warrior left the hall leaving a ripple of silence behind him. Joanna stared at the scroll with fear. Everyone stared at Kincaid with anticipation to know. He suddenly stood up. "As you were. There is no need for alarm," Kincaid assured, "My wife and I and commander Barclay will speak in private." The people in the room went back to talking. Kincaid strode towards a private room to the side of the hall with Barclay behind him. Joanna handed off Bran to Aílis and followed after. Barclay shut the door behind the small group. Joanna felt fear in her stomach. "Do you want me to read it?" Kincaid asked. She shook her head, "It is probably for me. I will read it." Kincaid places the scroll in her shaking hand. Joanna feared it was a letter summoning her back. She unraveled the scroll and began to read.

The kingdom of Britannia mourns the loss of a great leader. Our great King Andrew has past on to the heavens. To rule in his place our gracious Queen Rena has stepped up to carry the burden of the throne until another King can be found.

Kincaid watched as Joanna's face was riddled with shock. "What's wrong love?" he asked. She dropped the letter to her side, and stared off into the distance in shock. "Andrew is dead," she said meeting both men's gazes, "Rena now holds all the power in the kingdom." The room became thick with tension. Joanna felt like she couldn't breathe. With Rena having complete power she could do anything she wanted. "A mad woman with all the powers of a king. Only death can come from that," Barclay said.

"With that power she could do anything. Invade anything. Kill anyone without a question asked," Kincaid said.

"She will run Britannia to the ground. Try and expand the borders. She will bed any powerful dignitary that will give her more," Joanna added.

"With the wrath we left behind she will surely come after us," Barclay reminded.

"We have to double the patrol. No one enters or leaves this region without being searched," Kincaid growled.

"What about Britannia? Are we just going to let it burn?" Joanna asked.

All became silent. Kincaid looked to Barclay, and jerked his head towards the door. "I'll see the patrol is doubled," Barclay said. The warrior took his leave and left husband and wife. "Kincaid, we can't just let Britannia burn!" she exclaimed.

"We cannot invade a land who has not threatened us yet," Kincaid argued.

"So I'm supposed to sit here and do nothing while my people are dying?" Joanna asked.

"Joanna! I cannot just order my men into Britannia. I know you want to do something now, but you must wait. Until Rena makes a move I can't do anything," Kincaid argued.

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