Chapter Thirty One

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Joanna crept silently into the home. Her son was sleeping, and she did not want to wake him. She went to her son's room and peered inside. She saw Kincaid standing over Bran's crib watching him sleep. She laced her fingers with Kincaid's. Joanna leaned her head against his arm; cherishing this peaceful moment. Kincaid kissed the top of her head. After a few moments of peace they left their son's bed chambers. Kincaid gently closed the door behind him as Joanna stood in the middle of the room. Joanna felt Kincaid's body pressed against hers and his arms wrap around her waist. He kissed the side of her face and then her neck. Joanna felt shivers run down her back. For a moment, she forgot her troubles. It wasn't until she heard Daven's words echo in her ears again.

'If your child is born a son, I shall kill it and claim you as my own,'

Joanna suddenly cringed. Kincaid felt her body pulse with sudden disgust. "What's wrong?" he asked. She laid her hands upon his wrists, prying his hands away, and stepping away. Joanna felt a lump form in her throat. So many things ran through her mind. Fear. Regret. Worry. Guilt. "I must tell you something," she choked. Kincaid quickly came to get aid. He grasped her shoulders and turned her to face him. "What's wrong? Please tell me," Kincaid pleaded. Joanna couldn't look at him in the eyes. She had to do it. She couldn't hide it any longer. Joanna tried to push down the nervous feeling in her stomach. "It's about your father," she said seeing tears blur her vision. Kincaid furrowed his brow in concern, "What of him?" Joanna took a deep breath. "The day your father left I spoke with him," she said. Kincaid felt his wife shaking with fear. He heard her sniffling and choking back tears. "Joanna,...What are you not telling me?" he asked afraid of the answer. "You must promise me that when I say this you will not do anything irrational," she weeped.

"Why?" he asked.

"Please just promise me!" she cried.

"I promise," he said.

He heard her take a breath. "Please Joanna, for the love of the gods! Tell me what ails you!" Kincaid begged. Joanna choked down the lump in her throat, and blinked away the appearing tears. She finally looked into his eyes. "He threatened to kill our child," she finally spat. Joanna felt his grip on her arms tighten. His face formed into one of furious rage. Kincaid's blood boiled, and his muscles tensed. He released his wife. He walked towards the door. Joanna lunged at him and grabbed his arm. "Please Kincaid, you promised," she cried. Kincaid scowled her, "Why didn't you tell me, woman?"

"I thought it would be best," she said.

"Why would you think leaving our child in danger would be best?" he growled.

"I knew you would hunt your father down and cause a civil war to exact your revenge. A war would have put not just our child in danger, but the whole village," she said.

"I would not have started a war! I would have killed the man who threatened to murder my son! I would have done the world a favor by killing him!" he shouted.

They heard the cry of Bran being woken from his slumber. "I cannot believe that you hid this from me!" he growled.

"What was I supposed to do?!? I was thinking what was best for the entire village and our son!" she shouted.

"What would be best for everyone is if my wife would not keep secrets from me that would jeopardize the son I love and the village I seek to protect!" he shouted back.

"I was only thinking of all our lives! Why can't you see that?!?" she screamed.

"Because I would have eliminated this problem if you had told me in the first place!" he yelled, "Which I will do this night!"

Kincaid grabbed his cloak and stormed out. Bran still cried from his parent's screaming. Joanna ran out the door and saw Kincaid gallop off. "KINCAID!" she screamed. Tears slid down her cheeks. He didn't listen and continued to gallop off. "KINCAID!" she screamed once more. She fell to her knees weeping and wailing. What had she done? The sudden cries of her child finally made her rush inside. She went to Bran and picked the crying child from his crib. She jostled and rocked him trying to stop his tears. She stood in the middle of the main room. The fire roared and crackled. The door stood ajar letting in the cold breeze. Bran's cries began to die, but Joanna's did not. Her husband was off on a mad rage. He was looking for blood.

She prayed to the gods to bring Kincaid to his senses. How she wished she could hear him ride back, but she didn't. She grasped her son tightly calming him. She held him tight because he was the last certainty. What was to happened the next day or even the day after was now uncertain.


Joanna hadn't slept all night. She had only paced the floor in front of the fire until dawn. Joanna jumped when she heard a knock on the door. She ran to the door and opened it. She saw Kincaid and Barclay. Kincaid pushed past her with a stern face. Barclay looked tired. "I did my best," Barclay said noticing the red of her eyes. "Thank you," she said.

"I wasn't able to change his mind," he said.

"Barclay, leave us. We have things to discuss as husband and wife," Kincaid said sternly with his back to them.

"Good luck," Barclay whispered

Joanna closed the door as Barclay left. They stood in silence. Joanna leaned her head against the door. "I'm sorry, Kincaid. I know what I did was wrong, but I was only thinking what was best for the village and you. I know I can't change your mind, but just know that whatever decision you've made I will be by your side no matter what. The decisions from now will be life or death," she said. Kincaid didn't say a word. Joanna felt herself begin to cry again. "Please say something," she begged. She suddenly felt his body heat against her back. His breath tickled her ear and neck. "I love you. Always and forever, my love. The decision you made was one made of a thoughtful ruler. I was too blind with rage to see it," he whispered, "I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you. They were words fueled by the rage I had for my father." Joanna closed her eyes feeling the tears slide down her cheeks. "But," he added, "My decision is final. I will hunt my father down and bring him to justice. He will answer for his crimes." Joanna sighed, "There will be no need to hunt him down, my love." Joanna turned around and looked at Kincaid. Kincaid's face was hard with determination, but his eyes were soft. He reached up and wiped her tears away. "Your father swore that once word reached him that I had given birth he would return to kill our child and take me as his. It is only a matter of time before the devil shows himself," Joanna explained. Kincaid simply stared at her.  She could see in his eyes his mind was deep in thought.

"We must be careful, my love. One wrong move could alter our futures drastically," she said.

"I know," he replied.

"What do you plan to do?" she asked.

Kincaid didn't reply straight away. "I will not worry about it now. It will take several days for my father to hear word, and then several more for him to arrive. I have plenty of time to plan," he said cupping her face with his hand, "I swear he will never touch you or our son. It would take an army of ten thousand for him to take me away from you." Kincaid leaned forward slowly and placed his lips upon hers. Joanna wrapped her arms around his neck while his wrapped around her waist. Kincaid held her close to his chest. Joanna felt safe in his arms. All the dangers of the world seemed to disappear while she was in his arms. The time was becoming full of uncertainty. The Seer had told her there would be war from two fronts. It was no doubt that the first was Kincaid's father. But the second one was a mystery. A storm was brewing. It was only a matter of time before all hell would be unleashed upon them. The question was, would they be ready for it?

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