Chapter Twenty Two

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"I didn't think you were alive," Rena said.

Marian peered from behind Joanna. Joanna saw the look of rage appear on Rena's face.

"I see you found the whore child," Rena said.

"Do not call her a whore," Joanna beamed angrily.

"I suggest watching your tongue, dear sister. We are no longer children. I am queen here," Rena threatened.

Joanna saw Rena waiting for an apology. Joanna didn't want to give her one, but she didn't come here to fight. "My apologies, your highness," she said. Rena beamed with pride. She then glanced at Kincaid. "I see the barbarian has returned. Have you brought him to take another one of our sisters as a bride?" Rena asked, "Is he not satisfied with you?"

Joanna felt Kincaid tense next to her. She glanced at him. "I am plenty satisfied with the Lady Joanna. I desire no other sister of your's," Kincaid said.

"If you are not here on business of his barbaric customs, then why are you here?" Rena asked sitting on her throne.

"I've come to see my family. Marian came to me saying how dearly I was missed," Joanna said.

"I assure you, you were not dearly missed," Rena retorted.

"No matter. I've come to see Cathleen and you, dear sister. I've missed your company," Joanna said.

Rena stared at them. She was very suspicious. She suddenly took in the sight of Barclay and Aílis. She glared at them. Especially Carney who rested upon his mother's hip. "You are free to stay, but the heathens in your company are to stay in the stables," Rena snarled. Joanna wasn't going to allow that and neither was Kincaid. Kincaid stepped forward to protest, but Joanna lay a hand on Kincaid's arm. "My queen, they serve Sir Kincaid and I," she said.

"How do they serve you considering you live in nothing but mud?" Rena retorted.

"The woman is my personal maid. The man is a trusted warrior of Kincaid," Joanna said.

"What of the boy? Is he your whipping boy Joanna? When you displease the Sir Kincaid, does he punish you by whipping the boy?" Rena asked.

"No, my lady. He is the son of Lady Joanna's maid. They have no other living relatives to watch over him while they were away, so we allowed them to bring him," Kincaid answered.

Kincaid and Joanna were lying to the executioner. With every lie they were risking Rena's wrath. From the stories told by Marian Rena's temper had grown very short. "Fine, I will allow them to stay," she said, "But at the first sign of trouble they will be thrown out like an unwanted mutt." As she said that she stared at Marian. Suddenly they heard someone yell for Rena. A scrawny man stumbled in. A grand robe hung loosely from his small frame. His clothes were baggy, but looked to be made of the finest fabrics. A wine bottle was held tight in his right hand. He appeared to be drunk. "My queen," he slurred. He bowed dramatically. "My king," Rena said nodding to the drunkard. "We have visitors, my king." The man turned around, and Joanna became uneasy. He had light scruff and piercing gray eyes. "Joanna? Is that really you?" Andrew slurred. His face went from content to great sorrow and confusion.

"Yes, my king," Joanna replied.

Andrew swaggered over to her and stared at her. They could smell the wine perfumed onto his clothes and breath. Kincaid saw Andrew was tempted to reach out to Joanna. He tensed prepared to stop the little man. Joanna felt fear as Andrew stood before her. The mere thought of Andrew stroking her cheek made her skin crawl. Andrew then looked to Kincaid. A face of pure hatred appeared. He spun around to face Rena. "You disgrace my hall by allowing this savage into it," he slurred. Rena rolled her eyes. "I have no say in the matter, my king. He is the husband of my sister Lady Joanna, so we must allow him and their people within our hall," Rena said rather annoyed.

Andrew didn't say a word. All was dangerously quiet in the hall. "Will someone please escort our guests to their rooms?" Rena commanded. Several servants appeared and began to lead them away. Marian stayed very close afraid of being seen. Suddenly Andrew grabbed a hold of Marian by the arm. She squealed in fear. "Looks like the bastard has returned," Andrew slurred. Marian struggled to get free of his grip. Kincaid went to Andrew who laughed at the little girl's struggling. Kincaid stepped forward and Andrew stopped laughing. Kincaid glanced at Andrew's hand gripped around Marian's arm. Andrew slowly released, and Kincaid swiftly picked Marian up and set her on his hip. Marian was on the verge of tears. She buried her face into Kincaid's cloak.


All four adults stood in the middle of Joanna and Kincaid's bed chambers. Barclay and Aílis were housed next door. Kincaid and Barclay stood near the hearth while the ladies sat on the bed. "She's a vile snake," Kincaid said spitting into the fire. "The king is no better," Barclay said.

"A drunkard," Aílis said.

"Andrew was never like that. Rena has corrupted his mind," Joanna said.

"Or the wine has," Barclay said, "A man who follows the orders of a woman is not a man. He is a whipped pup."

"I find that hard to believe when you cater every whim your wife's decrees," Joanna said.

Kincaid chuckled.

"You don't have much room to laugh chieftain," Barclay retorted.

After sometime of discussing Barclay and Aílis retreated to their chambers. Joanna stood unpacking their belongings. Kincaid sat at the foot of the bed admiring his blade. Kincaid saw Joanna's nervous movements. She was shaking and moving quickly. Joanna was so nervous and riddled with worry she dropped Kincaid's saddle bags she had in hand. Kincaid jumped up and came to her side. Joanna placed her shaking hands on Kincaid's chest as he brought her close. "I need to find her Kincaid," she said, "I just want to get my sister out of here."

"I know love," he said.

"Promise me as soon as we find her you'll send Cathleen and Marian back to the highlands with Barclay," Joanna begged.

"I promise. We will deliver them out of harms way. They will stay with Aílis's brother until we can return," Kincaid swore.

Joanna snuggled into Kincaid. Suddenly the door to their chambers opened. A servant stood there. "You are being summoned to tonight's feast," he said.

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