Chapter Two

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Kincaid stood in silence with his commander at his side while they listened to the King and Prince Andrew argue. "So all the years of talk and meetings was for nothing! My father said when I came here she would be betrothed to me not this savage!" Andrew shouted. Kincaid's commander took a step towards the prince, but Kincaid stopped him with his hand.

"Andrew, I cannot do anything. The marriage was set five summers ago when the Highlanders became a bigger threat. An alliance with them was more important than an alliance with an already peaceful kingdom," the King growled. Andrew groaned.

"And why not tell my father of this? Surely he had a right to know that the betrothed of his son had already been promised," Andrew argued.

"I could not risk it. If the marriage did not satisfy anyone, then I'd rather no one know about it besides Sir Kincaid and I. If it had failed and word spread I tried to marry my daughter to a Highlander not only I would be ruined, but the supposed love you have for her would not be permitted and marriage wouldn't have been an option," the King barked, "Now what's done is done. Joanna will marry Sir Kincaid, and you will not say a word nor see Joanna unless he or I permit it."

Andrew knew he didn't have a choice. Kincaid smiled knowing he had won something over the small Prince. "Yes, my king," Andrew said through gritted teeth. The Prince stormed out giving a scowl towards Kincaid. He just smirked at Andrew. "I assure your majesty that she will be safe with me," Kincaid said, "I have my best men with me to watch over her as we travel." The King still looked distressed. Kincaid knew when a man needed to be alone. "Barclay, prepare the horses. We leave as soon as the princess is ready," Kincaid ordered. Barclay bowed and left. Kincaid followed Barclay out. As he walked he stopped a slave. "Where is the princess Joanna's room?" He asked. The slave, with fear in his eyes, pointed towards a set of stairs. Kincaid released the frightened boy and went up.

He came to a door that was barely open. He could hear voices from the other side.

"Are you really going to marry him?" A little girl asked.

"Of course not stupid! He's a Highlander, and you know what father says about them," an older voice said.

"Enough," Joanna groaned, "What father said in the past doesn't matter. He's made up his mind, and I must do as he says."

"So you do want to marry him?" said the older voice.

"No, he's a complete scoundrel," Joanna said. Kincaid smirked.

"Then why are you going through with this?" she asked.

"Because I will do as I'm told!" Joanna argued. All became quiet. Kincaid could hear Joanna moving clothes and stuffing them in something. Suddenly he felt something attached to his cloak. He looked down and saw a very small little girl. He saw her about to giggle and placed a finger to his lips. She pressed her lips together staying quiet. He pried her hands off the fur of his cloak and guided her by her shoulders towards the door. The girl looked back once, waved, then turned around and hurried into the room. He turned and went back to the threshold. He met his men outside. "Barclay," he called. The large commander came towards him. "Guard the princess. Up the stairs you'll know where it is. Don't let her out of your sight," Kincaid ordered. The soldier nodded and ran inside.

Kincaid felt someone punch his arm. He looked and saw a young warrior standing by him. "I didn't get a chance to look at her. What does she look like?" he asked eagerly. Several of his men leaned in to hear his answer. "She is beautiful. Curves in all the right places, lads. My kind of lady," he said smirking devilishly. The men gave an approving sound. "How long do you think till you bed her?" one asked.

"Night of the wedding I'll have her begging me to touch her," he smirked.

His men laughed. "I wish I had your talents," a young man said. They were all quite aware of servants and other people watching all of them laugh and talk of unspeakable things, but they didn't care.

Joanna tied her cloak. She had been followed from her chambers to the threshold by one of Kincaid's men. She found it rather annoying. Her sisters all waited for their turn to say their good byes. Joanna was not only sad but angry. She was angry with her father that he had kept this from her. She was angry that she had to leave everything behind to be with a savage man. She was sad to leave her sisters behind for a life she did not want. She was sad to leave everything behind. Cathleen and Marian had little tears running down their cheeks. Rena was a mystery. Joanna couldn't tell if she was happy or saddened to see her go. No matter how Rena felt Joanna still embraced her sister. Gradually Rena wrapped her arms around her sister. "Please take care of them. They'll need you," Joanna whispered. Joanna released her sister and came to the two young ones silently crying their hearts out.

Joanna crouched to their level. "You can't go away," Cathleen sniffled. It was breaking Joanna's heart. She thought how cruel it was for this man to just drag her away from her family and her home. "But I have to Cathleen. I'm so sorry. I want to stay, but...," Joanna glanced at the man standing over her, "I have to go." Cathleen quickly latched herself onto Joanna. She held tight to the small body of her younger sister. Marian couldn't take it and joined in. "I promise we will see each other again," Joanna whispered. She heard Cathleen and Marian whimper which tore at Joanna's heart even more than their tears. Joanna was all Cathleen and Marian had for any sort of motherly figure. Now that was being taken from them. The man coughed behind her to hurry her along. Joanna thought about ignoring him until a large hand landed on her shoulder. "It is time to go, my lady," he said in a low voice. Gradually Joanna released them against their objections to it. She didn't see her father, but she knew where he was. He was hiding away in his chambers not wanting to live with himself. She wanted nothing to do with her father at this point. Joanna held herself as she forced herself to turn around and walk out to her awaiting horse.

She felt all the men of Sir Kincaid watching her. She didn't care. Joanna came to her black stallion. By some miracle Sir Kincaid was trying to be a gentleman and help her on her horse. She swiftly denied it by climbing upon the saddle without so much as the slightest bit of help. Sir Kincaid just rolled his eyes, and climbed upon his own horse. Joanna knew behind her that her sisters and Prince Andrew were watching her. She had known Andrew since she was a little girl. She had some form of affections for him. Joanna couldn't look back because if she did then she might have sobbed through the rest of the day and night.

"MOVE OUT!" Barclay yelled.

Kincaid glanced at Joanna. He saw tears gliding down her cheeks. He couldn't help but feel a small pang of guilt that he caused this sorrow. Many people flooded the dirt roads to see the Highlanders leave with their beloved princess who looked to be their prisoner. Not many people looked happy. Some looked saddened while other looked furious. They didn't care to see Highlanders taking their princess away. No matter the hateful glares and scowls Kincaid was happy he had his prize. A prize that was indeed the most beautiful woman he's seen in a long time.

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