Chapter Twenty Five

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Joanna had finally lulled Cathleen and Marian to sleep. The little girl rested peacefully on the bed not stirring next to her sister. "She is too sweet of a lass to be tortured in that way. She does not know any better," Kincaid said staring at Cathleen's sleeping form. Joanna and him stood by the hearth. Joanna seemed lost in thought. "What is wrong love?" Kincaid asked.

"The maid informed me that Andrew had ordered no one was to heal Cathleen's wounds," she said, "If he finds out what we did one of us will surely be punished."

"I won't allow that. I swear to you we will leave here a happy family," Kincaid said touching her stomach gently.

"How do you know?" she asked looking to him, "Rena has an army under her. She has alliances with the whole of Britannia. If she wanted she could execute you, me, Aílis, Barclay, and even my sisters. She can manipulate the minds off all the kings in the land."

Joanna began to cry. "You shouldn't say such things," Kincaid said.

"How can I not? Rena has bedded herself into a position of power. She could have us killed by sunrise if she wished because I cared about my little sister," Joanna said.

She was hysterical. Kincaid embraced her muffling her cries into his chest. Her small hands gripped the front of his tunic. "Listen to me. We will leave this place with everyone. Your sisters will grow up with our children in the Highlands. They will marry who they please and have families of their own. They will be content and happy away from here. We will all live happy lives after this," he promised. Joanna didn't protest, but listen to his sweet words. Joanna wanted that for her sisters. She desperately wanted that for her sisters. To have them be happy and content and away from this torture would bring such joy to Joanna.

Kincaid kissed the top of Joanna's head. "You must sleep love. You've had a trying day," Kincaid said. "Someone must keep watch," Joanna said. The threat of a maid or even a soldier seeing Cathleen. Someone had to watch for a knock at their door. "I will stay up and watch," Kincaid said. Joanna walked over to the bed and carefully climbed over Cathleen and Marian. She laid down on the other side of the child and wrapped up in the warm sheets. Kincaid sat down. He leaned on is sword. The tip of it dug into the wood floor. Joanna felt safe with Kincaid watching over both of them.


Kincaid was awake most of the night. He had eventually slumped over in the chair long into slumber. He was jolted awake when a knock sounded at their door. Kincaid jumped up holding his blade tight. He silently made his way to the door. Kincaid didn't want who ever it was to know he was coming to the door. He carefully placed a hand on the handle. The grip on the sword tightened ready to kill. Kincaid felt his stomach tighten as he held the door handle. He prepared himself to put up a fight. He braced himself in case they tried to barge past him. Kincaid slowly opened the door. He peered to the other side to find a maid. He peered around her. No guards, no other servants, just her. "What do you want?" Kincaid whispered. Kincaid held the door slightly open so the maid couldn't see into the room and discover Cathleen and Marian.

The maid dared not look him in the eye. "The Queen requests your prescence immediately," the maid informed him. Kincaid heard fear in her voice. He looked over at Cathleen and Joanna. They were long into sleep not to be disturbed. "Is it urgent?" he asked. "Her majesty gave me specific instructions that if you were intimate relations with the Lady Joanna to escort you to her chambers for a private discussion," the maid said. What was this woman playing at? The maid looked terrified. The gods only knew the punishment in store for this woman if he refused to comply and go with her. "A moment if you please. I will be out shortly," Kincaid said closing the door. The maid stepped back as the door closed all the way. Kincaid set his blade against the wall. He quickly went to the door of Barclay's chambers. He opened it to reveal the entire family laying in one bed. Barclay lay on the outside with his wife in the middle, and then their son. "Barclay," Kincaid whipsered.

The whispered was replied to with a snore. Kincaid rolled his eyes. "Barclay," Kincaid called a little louder. Nothing. Kincaid lightly groaned and went to his side of the bed. He shook the man awake. Barclay snorted and looked at him with wide eyes trying to wake up more. "What do you want Chief?" he grumbled. "I've been summoned to the Queen's chambers," Kincaid said. Barclay sat up suddenly. He looked at Kincaid strangely. Kincaid went out into his own bed chambers wtih Barclay behind him. "It's a trap," Barclay whispered as he closed the door. "I have to go," Kincaid replied.

"Are you mad? That evil witch will chew you up and spit you out just for the fun of it!" Barclay exclaimed in a low tone.

"I do not have a choice. If I do not go Rena may lash out on one of us," Kincaid argued.

"Gods you are stubborn! This request is nothing but trouble," Barclay groaned.

"Barclay think. If Rena had her own sister whipped for innocent intentions, what will happen not to just us our wives, your child, if I refuse to comply to her request?" Kincaid asked.

Barclay thought a moment. Kincaid was right. The slightest hint of denying Rena would end up in punishment. " careful. It is probably a trap," Barclay warned. "I shall. Watch over them until I return," Kincaid commanded. Barclay nodded. Kincaid went to the door with Barclay behind him. Barclay watched his Chief slip out the door and into the dark hall. Kincaid stood before the small woman. "This way my Lord," she mumbled. Kincaid followed the maid and her candle down dark hallways and corridors towards the queen's chambers. Kincaid prepared for the worst. If Rena had some how found out about Cathleen, then he would take the blame. He wouldn't let them lay a hand on Joanna or any of his companions as long as he was there. Suddenly they came to a door.

The maid opened the door walked in. She curstied very deep. "Lord Kincaid as you requested," the maid said. Rena sat at a desk with many jewels and little pots spread across it. She wore a thin white night gown and her blonde hair was loose from any braids or crowns. "Get out. Leave us," Rena ordered. The maid curstied once more and scurried out closing the door. Kincaid stood in silence watching as the queen stared at him through the reflection in the bronze mirror. There was no sign of Andrew. They were all alone. That's what Kincaid feared the most.

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