Chapter Sixteen

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Kincaid rode as fast as the steed would carry him. Once past the homes and buildings he could clearly see the rider and Joanna. The wind he created whipped his skin. He knew he was catching up as he could hear Joanna's faint screams. He pushed his steed harder trying to catch up. He was in range. He rode closer and closer until finally Kincaid couldn't contain himself. He leapt from the back of his horse, and grabbed a hold of his wife's attacker.

Joanna watched as Kincaid and the kidnapper tumbled to the ground. Joanna grabbed ahold of the reins and steered her horse back around. Kincaid's horse continued to gallop about unaware of his master leaving him. Joanna slowed her stallion in front of the fighting men. Kincaid had the upper hand since he was significantly larger than the kidnapper. Kincaid had finally pinned the man down as Barclay came riding up. Marian sat in front of him anxiously waiting to be let down.

Joanna ran over to Barclay and he let Marian slide off into Joanna's arms. Marian held her sister tightly. Joanna felt Marian shake with fear. Joanna set her sister down as Barclay left his horse to pick up a struggling soldier. Kincaid had tied the man's hands and given him a bloody nose. Without hesitation Joanna ran into Kincaid's arms feeling the fear grip her tighter.


People had gathered near the hall to see what was happening. Kincaid rode with an arm wrapped around Joanna who sat in front of him. Marian rode behind them upon Joanna's steed. Barclay was several feet ahead with the prisoner. Joanna stared at the man for sometime. He seemed familiar for some reason. She couldn't put her finger on it but she felt like she had seen him somewhere.

"Do you know that man Kincaid? He seems familiar," Joanna asked quietly.

"He's one of my father's men," Kincaid growled.

Joanna then remembered seeing that man within the cluster of men the first day she met Chief Daven. Barclay jumped off his horse and dragged the man into the hall. Kincaid waited outside. It wasn't long before Barclay came back with some anger on his face.

"Your father is no where to be found Kincaid. He must have disappeared once the incident began," Barclay said.

"We cannot accuse him without a witness. There is no point in finding him unless there is a witness or his own man will confess," Kincaid said. "Keep an eye out until I can return."

Barclay nodded and Kincaid headed out. Marian followed silently behind Kincaid. When they arrived at his home Joanna easily slipped off and headed inside. Kincaid was about to follow after, but he remembered Marian. Kincaid looked at the small girl for sometime.

"Thank you Chief Kincaid," Marian said.

"No need for such formalities you may call me Kincaid or brother," Kincaid said.

Marian nodded. "You are free to ride near my home. Do not go too far," Kincaid said. Marian nodded once more understanding he needed to talk with Joanna. Kincaid watched Marian ride off. He went inside and didn't see any sign of Joanna. He walked to their bed chambers. He opened the door and found her curled up on the bed. He came to her side. She cried and pressed her knees to her chest.

Kincaid came to her side and picked her up. He sat on the bed and set her in his lap. He held her tight. "I'm here Joanna," he said. "No one will harm you as long as I'm here." She cried harder.

"It's.... It's not that," she cried.

"What is it then?" he asked becoming concerned.

She pushed away from him some and wiped her eyes. "I cannot give you a child Kincaid. No matter how hard we've tried I am never with child," she cried. Kincaid couldn't believe his ears.

"Do not be foolish. Of course you can give me a child," Kincaid reassured.

"Then why am I not pregnant?" she asked.

Kincaid paused a moment. "The gods will give us a child when they wish. We cannot change that. All we can do is pray and keep at it," Kincaid said.

Joanna cried more. "When I was captured he kept asking me if I was with child," Joanna cried. Kincaid became very concerned at the sound of this. She continued to cry. "I want to give you a child Kincaid. You deserve a child to care for. You deserve a wife that can give you a son," she cried feeling defeated.

Kincaid nearly began to cry himself. "Joanna, I don't want a wife I do not love because she can give me children. If that were my reasoning I would have been wed already. I wanted a wife I could love even if she gave me children or not," Kincaid said rubbing her tears away. "I knew from the moment I saw you that I loved you. I do not care if you can give me a son because I will love you more and more everyday with or without a child."

Joanna never heard more sweeter words. She wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him. She felt Kincaid hold her tight. "I just want to see a child of ours. A child that belongs to us," she mumbled.

"Who is to say we won't? The gods will grant us a child. We have done nothing to anger them. They must surely bless us with a child," Kincaid said.

In that moment Joanna sent a silent prayer to the gods. She prayed she would be given a child. She prayed she could give Kincaid the happiness of having a son. She prayed with all her heart to give this man that loved her so a child.

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