Chapter Six

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Suddenly Kincaid almost stumbled over. He leaned on Joanna laughing. Joanna could smell alcohol on his breath. She was disgusted. "You look bored, my dear," he said. He wasn't drunk, but he had definitely drank a cup too many. "Shall we head home?" he asked. She knew what that meant, and the aching pain came into her stomach again. She didn't want to be any where. She had to stall.

"I'm actually not bored. I'm rather enjoying myself," she said.

"Now, now, you don't have to pretend for my sake. I've had my fun," he slurred.

"Please Sir Kincaid, I would rather stay here than trek all the way back to your home," she urged.

Kincaid suddenly had an evil smirk on his face. "You won't have to make that trek, my dear," he said. Kincaid suddenly swept Joanna into his arms. She nearly screamed. "I've had to carry men heavier than you!" he laughed. Joanna held on for dear life to his neck. He began to carry her through the village. Men she recognized from the trek laughed. She turned red with embarrassment. Kincaid was in a jolly mood and was more than pleased to carry her through the village to his home. He could hear men giving him hoots and hollers of encouragement. He smirked. Kincaid knew he would face Joanna's wrath after this, but he had only one thing on his mind. The crowds of people began to disappear as he headed towards his home near the outskirts of the village. When he saw the door to his home he was very happy. Kincaid reached the door and kicked it in. The door swung open to reveal a roaring fire.

"Your chambers, my lady," he smiled.

He glanced towards another door on the far wall. Joanna saw the direction his eyes went. The aching pain burned as she realized what was beyond that room. "Please Sir Kincaid, I'm not in the mood for any foolishness. I am rather tired from the trek," she almost pleaded. He didn't seem to hear her pleas. When she felt him move towards the room she was about to faint. Joanna had so much fear inside of her. Kincaid once more kicked the door in and it swung open. The opened door revealed a bed with many furs upon it. A small torch was the only light in the room. The words Aílis had told her had completely left her mind for panic was all she could feel, and getting away was all she could think. Suddenly Kincaid laid her on the bed gently. He stood at the foot of the bed staring at her untying his cloak. The fur fell to the floor leaving him only in his kilt and boots. He climbed onto the bed and came towards her. He hovered over her. Joanna felt like screaming for help.

"Now, shall I kiss your lips?" he placed his lips only a small space from hers. "Or your beautiful neck?" he moved down to her to grazing his lips against the skin. It disgusted Joanna. He suddenly began to kiss her neck. She didn't like it. She squirmed, but felt Kincaid's hands hold her still. She squirmed even more as his hands landed on her hips. She felt tears burn in her eyes. She didn't want this. She didn't want any of this. Joanna wasn't ready to sleep with this man. As a wife it was her duty, but she was too terrified to do any of it. Her breathing quickened and her heart was racing. She squirmed against him begging to be released.

Kincaid was enjoying himself. He loved the taste of her skin. He could sit there for ages, but when he felt her squirming and heard her small whimpers he felt ashamed. He had pestered this woman all the day about this moment. She was obviously terrified. What kind of husband would he be if he did this to his own wife? He stopped kissing her neck. Kincaid pulled away and looked at Joanna. Her black hair mixed with the furs, her eyes shut tight with tears about to fall. He couldn't do this to her. He wouldn't force her to do it. He slowly got up off of her and the bed. Joanna still had her eyes shut tight fearing the worst. Kincaid ignored the aching need to touch her and picked up his cloak. He slowly left his bed chambers and shut the door behind him.

Joanna opened her eyes when she heard the door shut. She stopped crying when she didn't see Kincaid in the room anymore. She was relieved but confused. She crept up from the furs and went to the door. She barely cracked it open. She saw Kincaid. He laid furs out on the floor near the fire. He laid down and put his hands behind his head. She watched him close his eyes and relax. Joanna crept back into the bedroom and closed the door. She climbed back into the bed and nestled into the furs. She was very confused at what had just happened. One thing she was certain of though was Aílis was right.


Joanna woke to the silence of the morning. The events of last night flooded her mind. She shivered. Joanna crept out of the furs and blankets and carefully went to the door. She opened it to reveal an empty room. Kincaid wasn't lying on the floor sleeping. The furs he laid on were gone, and the fire had been rekindled. Joanna glanced around the room one last time before emerging into it. She looked to a table and saw a loaf of bread and a wooden bowl containing some kind of meat stew. The aroma made her mouth water. She hadn't eaten since yesterday, and she was starving.

Joanna went over to the table and picked up the bread. It was warm. She broke it and steam fluttered into the air. She sat down and dipped the bread into the hot creamy broth of the stew. She ate every succulent bite piece by piece until the bread was gone and so was the stew. With a full belly Joanna walked to the fire for warmth. Out of the quiet she suddenly heard a horse galloping. It was curious. She could then hear Kincaid's muffled voice. Joanna left the fire and went to the door. She slowly opened it. She saw nothing, but she could hear the horse and Kincaid in the distance. Joanna trekked around the house towards the back. What she saw surprised her. Her black stallion ran wildly shaking its head and snorting while Kincaid chased after it. Kincaid laughed a genuine laugh as he chased after the stallion.

Kincaid's shoulder length blonde hair flew back as he ran after the horse. Kincaid suddenly placed his hands on the horses sleek back. He jumped and swung up on to the stallion's back. The horse continued to gallop around and snort. Suddenly Kincaid gripped the horse's mane and kicked, and the horse galloped faster and faster. A wild smile was upon Kincaid's lips as the two bolted past her up a hill disappearing into the forest. This was the first time she had ever really seen pure joy on his face instead of an arrogant smile. It was nice.

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