Chapter Thirty Five

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Joanna clutched Bran to her chest tightly as her and her sisters were being led the throne room. Daven had taken the liberty of taking their journey in a single day instead of two. Aílis and the others were kept outside. Joanna and her sisters were to face Rena alone. Once again Joanna found herself staring at a throne on the far wall. Rena's throne sat alone. She probably had her father's throne burned or thrown out. It hurt her heart. Cathleen and Marian clung to the back of Joanna's dress in fear. Daven stopped abruptly in the middle of the threshold. Suddenly a young woman sat gracefully upon her throne. The sides of her blonde hair were braided back, and upon her head was a golden crown. The neck of her dress was very revealing, but she didn't care. Rena looked like an elegant woman. How the months can change someone.

Daven kneeled before Rena, Boeing his head. Joanna watched as he met Rena's gaze. Rena suddenly smirked and jumped up. Daven stood and caught Joanna's sister. Both embraced one another and shared a passionate kiss. Joanna was horrified. Rena pulled her lips away from Daven and glanced over at Joanna. "Don't look so horrified, sister. A kiss isn't the worst thing we've done," Rena smirked. Joanna felt like vomiting. Her now 15 year old sister was the lover of a man who was much much older than her. "I don't know why your so shocked. I mean Kincaid is older than you by several years," Rena said slipping from Daven's embrace. "Yes, but he is only ten years older than I. Daven is old enough to be your father! Or even your grandfather!" Joanna exclaimed. Rena simply waved her comment away. "I've brought them. All of them," Daven purred. Lust filled his eyes as he stared at Joanna's sister.

Joanna cringed for two reasons. Not too long ago did those eyes stare at her like that. Now they stared at her sister. Joanna felt sick again as Daven and her shared another kiss. They parted as Daven stepped away. "Why are you doing this, Rena?" Joanna asked. Rena ignored the question, "Is this your child?" Joanna clutched Bran tighter. Rena came closer to peer at the infant. Joanna took a half a step back. "It's strange. The last time I recall you ever holding something this small was when Cathleen was born. Of course that was years ago, and this is your child," Rena ranted. She was unusually calm. "A boy or girl?" she asked.

"Boy," Joanna said cautiously.

"A son. He's unusually small considering how large his father is," Rena said with a strange smirk, "What's his name?"

"Bran," Joanna answered.

She was quiet for a bit just staring at the child, "After you left, Andrew ranted about you. He said your child should be his. That you should be baring his seed. He was mad in his pursuit for a child." 

Joanna didn't dare say a word knowing Rena could snap at any moment.

"I didn't love Andrew, that was obvious, but I wanted him to love me. Unfortunately no matter what I did for him he still lusted for you. The day he drank himself to death was the happiest day of my life," Rena said bitterly.

Rena straightened up and walked away from Joanna. The two little girls squished closed to Joanna in fear. Rena walked towards her throne. "Rena, what have I done to cause this rage? What have I done to you that makes you hate me so?" Joanna begged. Rena quickly spun around and faced them all. "Don't play so innocent!" she growled, "Your entire life you were showered with love and admiration. Never once did you stop and think how that would make me feel. You simply reveled in it!"

"Rena, your quarrel is with me! I beg of you sister leave my family out of this!" Joanna begged.

"HA! Not a chance. You are the reason I was lonely, and now I shall make you feel the same pain that I did! The pain of losing everyone you love!" Rena growled.

Suddenly the doors opened and Kincaid was dragged in. He struggled against his bonds with all his might, but it was no use. Joanna felt the little girls tempted to go towards him, but they remained rooted to their spot. Joanna felt like crying. If anything happened to Kincaid, Joanna couldn't live with herself. "Rena, I beg you. Please leave them be. They have done nothing! Keep me prisoner here. Keep me here locked away forever. All I ask is you send them back to the Highlands," Joanna begged.

"It's too late for begging, sister. What's done is done. Daven, escort Kincaid and the rest of his savage friends to the dungeons," Rena ordered.

Kincaid struggled to get to Joanna and his son. He couldn't let this happen. He was kicked in the stomach. Joanna watched in horror as her husband hunched over groaning in pain. He was dragged away with a smiling Daven strolling behind him. "There's nowhere for you to run, sister. Now you must face your fears," Rena said.


Joanna was taken to Rena's chambers. Bran still rested in her arms. She didn't trust anyone to care for her child but herself. "Why do you clutch that babe so? It's only an insolent child," Rena complained walking past her. "He is my child. A babe I bore from my own body. He is apart of me. The only insolent child here is you!" Joanna hissed. Rena raised her hand to strike Joanna, but resisted. Rena's eyes glanced at the sleeping babe. "You're not worth my strike," Rena grumbled. Rena walked towards a mirror and sat gracefully down on the leather vanity before it. Rena simply examined herself in the mirror. "Why Daven?" Joanna asked. Rena glanced at her through the polished metal, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you sleeping with Daven? He's vile. It makes no sense why you would alliance with him when he has no political advantage," Joanna said.

"Simple. For my own pleasure and for the influence in the Highlands," Rena said.

"What influence?" Joanna asked.

Rena turned around to face her, "Daven is a well respected chief in the Highlands. By being allianced with him I gain more land, expanding the borders of this nation."

"Daven has no land," Joanna answered.

"That's where you are wrong," Rena smiled.

Daven was lying to Rena. He had no land, political advantage, or anything else. He was simply a wanderer looking for his next meal. "How did you meet?" Joanna asked. She didn't dare reveal the truth to Rena until she had heard the whole story. "He was caught smuggling on the border. I had him arrested and brought here. Daven revealed to me that his son had taken his rightful land and position as chief. Once we both found out of our hatred for you and your husband it was clear an alliance could be formed," Rena explained.

"He couldn't have persuaded you that easily," Joanna commented.

"His words didn't, but something else did," Rena smirked.

Joanna felt like vomiting. Rena flaunted her affair with Daven as if it were the biggest scandal in the region. Daven and Rena were using one another for more power. They were a perfect match. Daven lied to her about his position. Not like Rena would care, but something wasn't right. There was a reason to everything Daven did.


Sorry about the mess up with the chapter. I accidentally posted it before it was ready. Thanks for all the love on this book!!! I love you all!!!

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