Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Take your people and leave. Don't ever return or the consequences will be dire," Rena said quickly. Her voice shook like she was holding back tears. "WHAT?" Daven growled, "ARE YOU MAD?!?!" He stormed towards her, but Rena turned away from him and began to walk out of the hall. Daven lunged at her and grabbed her arm, but she jerked free of his grip and glared at him, "Release them. I will no longer tolerate her or any of these savages in my kingdom."

"Just when you can have your revenge, you toss them away like unwanted food?" he growled.

"Your only job is to carry out my wishes without question or hesitation. Unless you wish me to throw you back to the wolves I suggest you follow suit," Rena glared.

Daven and Rena glared at one another. It was a challenge. Whoever looked away first would lose. Daven's tight grip on her arm released, and he stormed off. Kincaid and Joanna were silent as the night as they watched the scene unfold. Both lovers disappeared leaving them in the silence. "I'm going to retrieve my men," Kincaid said. Panic rose in Joanna's being. Something didn't feel right, "Please don't. Something is uncertain." The fear in his wife's voice caused a chill to go up his spine. "Let's retrieve your sisters and Aílis," he said laying a hand on her back. They both hurried to Joanna's chambers, afraid that Rena's sudden change of heart will change once again. When Joanna and Kincaid burst through the door, Aílis paced in tears. Her eyes met Joanna's, and she rushed forward to her friend.

"I am so sorry, Joanna. They came in and took him while I tended to your sisters!" she cried, "I tried to fight my way out, but they bolted the door shut."

"Aílis, it is alright," Joanna reassured. Her friend looked to Kincaid, standing patiently behind them. Looking down with shocked eyes, she saw Bran in his mother's arms. "What is happening?" she asked. "Rena has decided to let us leave. We must hurry and pack before she changes her mind," Joanna said rather rushed. Aílis quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and began to scramble around the room, gathering their things. "I must go release my men. I will return as soon as possible with Barclay," he reassured them. Pecking his wife's lips, he dashed off slamming the door shut behind him.


Kincaid rushed down to the dungeons, past all the glaring warriors that probably wanted to slit his throat. "Open these doors at once!" he barked. The man looked at him with a glare. Kincaid heard his men shuffle to their feet and come to the door. "It's Kincaid! He's free!" Barclay exclaimed. His men roused up a cheer and the guards outside barked for them to shut up. "I said, open the door," Kincaid nearly growled. "I don't take orders from savages!" the guard spat. He clenched his fists before punching the guard in his face and grabbing the keys from his belt. After a fight with turning metal and gears, the door swung open, and his men filed out. Kincaid ordered he men to gather the horses and supplies and to be ready to move on his command. "Where's my family?" Barclay asked frantically. Kincaid told him to follow close behind back into the castle. "This doesn't seem right, Kincaid. How could she just suddenly change her mind? What did your father have to say about this?" Barclay questioned.

"He wasn't pleased," Kincaid answered.

"He could be plotting against us as we speak," Barclay growled.

"He's played us all, Barclay. Not just us but the little lass that thinks she's queen as well," Kincaid said.

Barclay grabbed his shoulder and jerked him around face to face, "What are you saying? This entire time he's been bedding her to become king?"

Kincaid sighed, frustrated before he became his quick pace again, "It's been his plan from the beginning."


Joanna crept down the hall of the silent manor. She never remembered it to be this still and eerily quiet. The wood floor was fading and deteriorating, and the tapestries that were usually so well kept, hung on the walls by threads. A light at the end of the corridor guided her down the hall. Her sister's chambers. A loud shatter made Joanna lurch forward and burst into the room. Rena lay in the middle of her floor surrounded by glass from her shattered looking glass. Her hands were covered with blood. "Rena!" Joanna exclaimed. She rushed forward and scooped up an article of clothing on the floor before pressing it to her sister's bloody hands. Rena sobbed and sobbed, "JUST LEAVE! LEAVE ME IN MY DESPAIR!" Joanna ignored her desperate please and began to tear the cloth to shreds and wrap her sister's hands. Rena tried to fight her, Joanna held her tight. "What has happened to you, Rena?" she finally asked, tying the last knot.

Rena's sobs turned to sniffles as she stared at her sister holding her hands. "How did you do it?" she mumbled, "How did you make him love you?" A chill went up Joanna's spine. "I tried everything. I was flirty and charming and told him of my affections, but in the end he only wanted you," Rena cried. For once since this hellish battle between family had begun, Joanna understood. Every action she made was the action of a woman fight for the affections of that would never love her in return. "You truly loved Andrew?" Joanna asked.

"He was my everything. The day we married was the happiest day of my life, but to him it was a curse. He knew now he could never have you," Rena explained.

"You can't make someone love you, Rena," Joanna tried to explain.

"He did heinous things to me, Joanna. Whenever his lust for you was too much, he would take me anywhere he pleased. It was degrading and violating. On our wedding night he had spat terrible names and insults at me. Telling me I was the whore child of my father. That I would never be as pure as you," Rena cried.

Joanna's heart was shattering. For the first time, she really took in her sister's appearance. Her usually radiant self was now battered and bruised. She no longer held the glow of self-confidence, but there was barely a shimmer hope for something better left in her. "I had tried so hard to give him a child. I took every tonic and herb given to me, but I never bared I thought a child would make him love me, but when I never carried a child he only became more violent," Rena cringed. Joanna could only imagine the horrors she faced with Andrew blind with rage and jealousy. Tears fell from bother their eyes. "Rena, I'm so sorry. I wish I had been there to protect you," Joanna sniffled. Rena shook her head, "I was too blind with hatred for you. I blamed you for my misfortune when it was really him. I was in love with someone who treated me wrongly. I would have died for him, but he would have never done the same for me." For the first time in a very long time, Joanna and her sister embraced.

Rena buried her face in Joanna's shoulder and wept. Tears fell from Joanna's eyes, splashing onto her sister's head. "I'm so sorry, Joanna! I have done so many terrible things to you! I should be killed for my sins! I almost harmed your son!" Rena cried. Joanna hushed her, "But you didn't. You were blinded by rage that controlled your actions. This place isn't healthy for you, Rena."

"What are you saying?" Rena asked, her body becoming still.

Joanna was hesitant but decided that it was the right choice, "I want you to leave with us."

She pulled away from Joanna's shoulder and stared at her, "I do not deserve your kindness." Joanna wiped away Rena's tears and gave a small smile. "You need to get away from here. So many evil things have happened here. We will watch over Britannia from the Highlands, and you can return later on," Joanna explained, "Let me help you, Rena. Let me help you find forgiveness and start anew." Her sister looked at her with wide eyes. Before Rena could answer someone shouted, "REEEEENNNNAAAAA!!!!!" Both women felt their hearts stop when it was the voice of Daven echoing through the halls.

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