Chapter Forty

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Running down stairs and corridors, Joanna and Rena came to the throne room where Daven was destroying everything in a tantrum. Suddenly Kincaid and Barclay appeared next to them. Kincaid instinctively wrapped an arm around Joanna and nearly leapt away from Rena. "YOU PROMISED REVENGE, YOU BITCH!" Daven shouted at Rena. She flinched but stood still. He was red in the face, and the veins in his neck strained as he screamed and yelled in fury. "I'VE WASTED MY TIME IN THIS GODS FORSAKEN KINGDOM WITH A GIRL QUEEN FOR NOTHING!" he shouted. Rena stood still taking the onslaught from Daven. "I thought you were smarter than that but you clearly aren't. You couldn't even see that I was using you to get the throne," he admitted, "You're just another whorish bitch that can't keep her legs closed to save her life!" Joanna had enough. She shoved herself from Kincaid grip and threw herself between Daven and her sister. "THAT. IS. ENOUGH," she barked. Daven stepped back in shock.

"You have absolutely no right to torture my sister like this! She has made mistakes, but you yourself aren't clear of the black marks of your past! You tried to kill your own son, his wife, your grandson. You've tried to kill anyone that has stood in your way, all for what? For power. If you are willing to slaughter your own blood and bend the minds of young girls to get what you want then you are no man. You are a pig!" Joanna nearly shouted. Daven's eyes held rage as this woman stood before him defiantly. "It's clear Kincaid never taught you to learn your place," he suddenly grabbed her around the throat, "So I'll have to teach you both what respect looks like." Rena jumped forward but was beat by Kincaid drawing his sword, "You're fight is with me not her, Daven!" Daven chuckled, "My fight is with all of you! All of you have denied me my right given to me by the gods! The Seer himself has told me I was meant to die as a king would! I am meant to be king!"

"You think being king means killing the innocent to get what you want? Cutting down anyone who disagrees with you. No, being king is taking care of your people before yourself!" Kincaid growled, "Release my wife and fight like a man!" Daven smirked. He suddenly threw Joanna into Rena. The sisters backed away as Daven drew his sword. "You forget, my son, I taught you everything you know," Daven lunged at him, but Kincaid blocked the blow. The battle began. Daven attacked Kincaid with everything he had. Joanna watched helplessly as her husband blocked and dodged every attack being thrown at him. Their swords crossed, and Daven took the advance and head butt Kincaid. Kincaid stumbled back dazed, but managed to block Daven's over head blow. "Find the children! Find my men and get out!" Kincaid shouted. Joanna cried, not wanting to leave her husband, but Rena held tight, "Joanna, we must go!"

"You're a fool. Love and women make you weak. Why do you think I killed your mother?" Daven admitted. Kincaid' eyes went wide as he shoved Daven off him. Joanna and Rena stared at the two in shock. "What? You're lying," Kincaid mumbled. Daven smirked as he wiped blood from the corner of his mouth, "I killed her Kincaid. She was a weakness and would have made you weak if she stayed around." Joanna saw rage fill Kincaid. He had never spoken of his mother to her. Barclay and Aílis had told her his mother had died long ago when he was a boy, and she never pushed to ask. "YOU BASTARD!" Kincaid screamed. Son battled father. Rage fueled every single move Kincaid made against Daven. "Joanna, we need to find the others," Rena urged. "I can't leave him!" Joanna cried. "Joanna! You have to! Think of your family!" Rena pushed. Joanna glanced at the battle for rushing off to find her child.

"Just think, if she had lived you wouldn't be the man you are today. A fierce warrior," Daven smirked. Kincaid let out a battle cry as he attacked. "BECAUSE OF YOU I SUFFERED THE WORST PAIN IVE EVER FELT! Worse than any wound of battle!" Kincaid screamed. Daven enjoyed toying with Kincaid. It was driving him to the brink of madness the more Daven spoke.


Joanna had found Aílis and the others. "Barclay! You must help Kincaid. Please hurry!" she cried. The whole group moved towards the throne room. As they entered, the battle had grown worse. Kincaid slammed the back of his head into Daven's mouth causing him to stumble back. Before they could move to his aid. Aílis held back Barclay and the rest of the men. "He must do this on his own!" Aílis urged. Suddenly Daven began to back away from Kincaid, losing the advantage. With a single hard strike, Kincaid sent Daven's sword skidding across the stone floor. A swift kick sent Daven to his knees, and Kincaid point the tip of his sword to Daven's throat. The only sound in the hall was their heavy breathing. Daven's from face suddenly lit up with a smirk, "You won't kill me."

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