Chapter Twenty

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Kincaid gently stroked Joanna's cheek. They had not yet left Barclay's home. Night had fallen, and Kincaid was afraid to wake her to take her home. Barclay stood with his son, Carney, asleep on his shoulder. Aílis sat just staring at the fire. The woman looked up and saw Carney asleep. She stood up, and took the toddler from his father. She carried him away to the back of their home. The room was quiet. Only the sound of the fire crackling was heard. Suddenly in the midst of the quiet they heard a sharp inhale. Kincaid and Barclay both jerked their heads towards the sound. Joanna began to sit up. "Are you alright love?" Kincaid asked.

"Yes I'm fine," Joanna said.

Kincaid examined her movements as she sat up. "How long have I been asleep?" she asked. Barclay answered, "Several hours." The events of earlier that day came flooding back. Joanna felt tears begin to sting in her eyes. "Joanna, what's wrong?" Kincaid asked. Joanna looked at him. She thought of crying. She thought of telling him everything Daven had said. She suddenly saw how red his eyes were from lack of sleep. She saw how weary he looked. If she told him what was said Kincaid will go into a rage. Daven was long gone, but Kincaid would chase after him. She couldn't tell him. The best thing now was he was gone. She made the tears disappear. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Your father has left the village," she said.

"I know. He informed me sometime after you fainted," Kincaid replied.

Kincaid stared at her for sometime. They both knew what this meant.


Joanna sat on the edge of the bed. She was worried to talk with Kincaid. He walked into their bed chambers and closed the door. He was silent for sometime. "I don't think we should travel to Britannia," he suddenly said. Joanna looked at him. "What? Why?" she asked.

"With your pregnancy I don't think it's the best idea to travel all that way," he said.

"Kincaid, my belly has not swollen yet. I will be fine," she said.

"Joanna, please. I don't think it's the best idea," Kincaid said.

Suddenly they heard the door open. Joanna stood up off the bed and left their bed chambers. She found Marian waiting for them in the next room. Tears glistened off of Marian's cheeks. "What's wrong Marian?" Joanna asked coming to her sister's aid. Marian sniffled and latched onto her sister.

"Rena...she's.... she's done something terrible," she cried.

"What has happened?" Kincaid asked.

"I received a message. Several nights ago there was a feast. Cathleen was talking with her nurse maid being care free. Rena became annoyed with Cathleen's giggles, so she ordered Cathleen to be...," Marian stopped.

Kincaid and Joanna waited in suspense.

"She ordered her whipped," Marian said.

Joanna's heart stopped beating. Her breath caught in her throat. Marian wailed into Joanna. Joanna felt tears in her eyes. She couldn't handle it. Kincaid felt what Joanna felt. Guilt and rage. He met the little girl once while he spied on Joanna. She seemed so sweet and innocent. He couldn't imagine that little girl being whipped. He could suddenly hear the crack of a whip and the screams of a little girl in his mind. It was a terrible thing. He kneeled down to the two weeping girls. He embraced them both.

"I'm so sorry for Cathleen. I feel I am to blame. I did not want to leave until my father had left, and I feel my decision harmed your sister," he said.

Nothing was said.

"There fore in two days time we will leave for Britannia," he said.

Joanna looked from Marian to her husband. Only moments ago he was against it, and now he saw the pain it put on Joanna to hear terrible things and being unable to do anything. He wasn't only going to do it for Joanna, but for her sisters. They had suffered the most. Marian abused mentally for her maturity, and Cathleen now physically abused.

Joanna was relieved in such a way it sent her into more tears. She quickly embraced her husband. She held him tight. Kincaid felt Marian embrace him. Eventually they stopped crying and Marian had fallen asleep. Kincaid picked up the small child and carried her to the bed chambers with Joanna behind him. Joanna had climbed in and Kincaid lay Marian next to her. Kincaid slipped into the blankets behind Joanna and wrapped an arm around her waist. Joanna felt the warmth of his chest against her back. This moment felt a sort of whole. Both could only imagine when Marian's position was filled with their own child.


Kincaid informed his men of the village of his journey. Barclay and Aílis had signed themselves onto the journey.

"I will not allow you two to join. I need someone to watch over the village," Kincaid protested.

"The village will be fine without my guidance. I have already found a replacement," Barclay testified.

"And I will not stay here and do nothing Chief Kincaid," Aílis stated.

"Our business may take days or even months and I need someone I can rely on here," Kincaid said.

"All the more reason for me to come," Aílis said. "If your business should take months I will not rest at night knowing your wife and her growing belly are in the hands of inexperienced fools."

Joanna giggled a bit.

"You trust every man under your command. I trust my replacement with my life just as you trust your life with me," Barclay said.

Unfortunately they made good points. Kincaid eventually agreed to the couple and their son tagging along. Joanna was relieved to have Aílis join them. She wouldn't trust anyone else to help her with her pregnancy. The last matter to deal with was whether Marian would join them or not. Joanna didn't want Marian to return to Britannia in fear it might trigger her sisters wrath, but she didn't want to leave Marian here without her. After some time of debating and Marian coming to terms they decided the best was for Marian to come along. Everything was set, and after two days time the small party left for Britannia.

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