Chapter Twenty One

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The group rode in silence. Both Barclay and Kincaid were on guard. Marian rode in front of Joanna while Aílis rode with Carney. Carney looked awfully bored. He looked as if he might fall asleep. Joanna looked down at Marian who was entertaining herself by braiding the black mane of the steed they rode. Joanna worried about seeing her sister. Rena despised her and the rest of their sisters. Joanna didn't know what the plan would be, but she had to reason with Rena some how.

After a day of riding they had stopped to make camp. Aílis sat near the fire. Carney lay asleep while his mother hummed and stroked his hair. Marian was on the outskirts of the fire's light stroking the horses and braiding their tails. Barclay sat near his wife sharpening his blade. Kincaid sat close to Joanna with an arm around her waist. "How do you plan to reason with your sister?" Barclay asked.

"To be honest.... I don't know. Rena isn't one to be reasoned with. She prefers her way or no way at all," Joanna said.

"A person like that must be bought," Barclay replied.

Joanna nodded. She rested her head upon Kincaid's shoulder. Joanna suddenly saw Aílis get up. She bent down and kissed the top of Barclay's head. She walked off towards the horses. Barclay stared at her with intense eyes. Joanna rolled her eyes and Kincaid smirked. Barclay glanced at Kincaid for approval. Kincaid nodded. The man jumped up and chased after his wife who squealed and giggled as they disappeared into the darkness. That meant Joanna was to care for Carney until his parents returned from their escapade.

"Will you still desire me when I'm swollen with our child?" Joanna asked.

Kincaid was a bit surprised to hear this. "I desire you more and more with each passing day," Kincaid said kissing the top of her head.

"I fear you will no longer wish to bed me once I am too large to do so," she said.

Kincaid glanced over at Marian. She laid using the ground wrapped up in furs and blankets long into slumber. Kincaid looked to Joanna and he advanced on her. He pinned her to the ground and stared at her with lust. "Nothing in this world would stop me from bedding you my lady," he growled. He kissed her with such intensity that she considered disappearing into the woods with him. When they heard Barclay and Aílis return they quickly moved back into their original positions. They were a funny sight. Barclay's clothes were no longer neat. His tunic was barley on his body and he held up his breeches. Aílis looked a mess. Her hair was messy and her dress was a bit untied.

"That was fast work," Kincaid joked.

"Wouldn't want to leave you two alone too long. The children might see something they should not for many years," Aílis said.

Kincaid chuckled.


They reached the border after another day's travel. It wasn't long before the rolling hills began to turn into farms. Further and further inward they traveled and came to villages. Some of the villagers seemed to stop and recognize Joanna and Marian. They would kneel by the road side or bow at the sight of them. "Quite popular you two are," Barclay said. Marian giggled and nodded. Even though Marian seemed content at the moment Joanna could see the distress in her eyes. Joanna knew Marian was afraid of Rena's wrath when she figured out Marian had run to Joanna. They rode on for several hours until they reached the large city of Northern Britannia. People stared at the outsiders. Joanna looked around in dismay. The people who stared at her looked starved and as if they had slept with the pigs. The children had no more glee or happiness. None played or laughed. There were no jolly conversations between salesmen or others. It was a sad sight. It broke Joanna's heart.

They came upon the gates of the palace. Two guards stood watch. They waved the group to a halt.

"What business do you have here?" one asked.

"I am Chief Kincaid of the highlands. My wife is here to see her sister Lady Rena," Kincaid stated.

"Queen Rena," one corrected.

"Who might your wife be savage? That wee lass?" one asked pointing to Marian. The two guards laughed.

"No sir. The Lady Joanna. Eldest of King Rupert's four daughters," Kincaid said.

The guards looked at Joanna. They didn't seem to recognize her. "I assure you this is the Queen's sister," Marian chimed in. The guards stared at Marian and they suddenly recognized her. "Lady Marian," one said. "We shall inform her majesty of your arrival."

They guards opened the gate. Joanna passed through. They suddenly stopped Kincaid. "The savages stay outside the palace walls," one growled.

"Those savages are my companions and husband," Joanna informed.

They glanced at her and slowly lowered their weapons. Kincaid, Barclay, and Aílis walked their horses past the two. They dismounted once inside the gate. Servants quickly took the horses away and the baggage they carried. Joanna stared at them. They were mere boys. She remembered these boys. They had never worked a day in their life. Now these two boys looked scrawny and weak. As if they were whipped every time for disobeying. Joanna didn't say a word, but Kincaid knew what she was looking at. The group pushed on inside. Joanna stares at everything. It was strange for her to be home. She felt like a stranger. She grew up in these stone walls, but she felt like a stranger in them. At the far wall of the threshold was her father's throne. The four other small thrones made for her and her sisters were gone and was replaced with another.

The new throne was beautifully carved. Jewels were inlaid in the wood and the seat of it was furnished with the finest furs in Britannia. Even from a distance Joanna knew who's throne it was. Andrew would have never had it made for himself. But to win the approval of his new wife? He would most certainly had it made. Marian stuck close behind Joanna and Kincaid. Marian clung to Joanna's dress. She could feel the small girl's hands trembling.

"In the name of the gods who could possibly be...." they heard.

A woman with long blonde hair in a purple gown entered the threshold. She looked angered. The neckline of her dress was low and her hips were shown off greatly. She wore a small golden crown upon her head. Jewels were inlaid in the gold. Upon her wrists and neck were jewels. They were practically dripping off of her.

"Joanna?" Rena asked.

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