Chapter Four

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Joanna felt herself waking in the strangest position. She no longer felt the warmth of the fur cloak or the cold hard ground. She felt her stiff body being swayed from right to left. She realized though she had her back pressed against someone's chest. She barely opened her eyes. She could see the outline of a horse's head with a brown mane. She opened her eyes more and saw the horse was moving. She suddenly heard someone behind her exhale and something around her waist tighten. Joanna looked down and saw a muscular arm wrapped around her waist. Her eyes looked up the arm to the face of the man holding on to her. To her dismay Sir Kincaid had his arm wrapped around her holding her protectively onto the horse. She stared at him too stunned to say a word. Kincaid must have noticed she was awake because he looked down at her. He smiled.

"Good morning," he said, "Enjoy your long sleep, my wife?"

Her cheeks turned red at the mention of wife. "I would have enjoyed it if I wasn't forced to ride with you," she growled. He just chuckled.

"I could have slung you over the back end of the horse if you would have preferred that," he said with a cheeky grin.

She kept quiet but felt the rage boiling inside her. She wanted to get down, but Kincaid held her tight. She started to squirm. As she did so his arm wrapped tighter around her telling her to hold still. She squirmed more. "I want down," she almost ordered.

"I'm sorry, love, but I'm not stopping on our trek so you can switch horses. Plus, I'm rather enjoying myself," Kincaid smirked.

Just as he said that he pulled her body closer to his. He had successfully pried a gasp from her lips. She groaned as he laughed. He snuggled into her hair and neck. She fidgeted trying to get him away from her. He only chuckled and burrowed deeper into the black strands of her hair. Joanna could hear some of the men around them laughing. She glared at the back of the horse's head wanting to scowl at the laughing men. Joanna heard Kincaid's grizzly chuckle. She groaned again. Kincaid was enjoying every minute of the contact he was having with her. He reached down and splayed his fingers out onto the canvas of her thigh. He felt how tender the skin was under the material of the dress. He gripped her thigh which earned another gasp and irritated groan. Joanna pried his hand off her thigh and forced him to wrap his arm around her waist again. No matter how uncomfortable she was it was better to have his hand near her waist instead of her thigh. Joanna was frustrated and considered jumping off.

Suddenly the men became antsy as they trekked up a hill. She would occasionally hear a whoop and holler of excitement.

"What's happening?" she asked.

"We are almost home. Just over this ridge," Barclay said riding alongside them.

Joanna looked to the hill. They were close to it's peak. Some men raced past them making their horses gallop over the hill and disappear. Suddenly they reached the top, and Joanna gazed into a valley where a large village was settled. Smoke rolled from fires in the homes and buildings. Beyond the village Joanna saw colossal mountains towering over the village. It was beautiful. Kincaid smirked knowing Joanna was impressed. He kicked his horse, and they headed to the village. Farmers looked up from their crops to watch their chieftain and beloved warriors return with their prize. A wife to their beloved ruler. Men and women abandoned their tools and baskets and followed after the party. Many shouted to them or ran alongside the horses. Children with dogs nipping at their heels raced the men on horseback laughing and giggling. As they traveled further into the heart of the village more and more people appeared.

Joanna saw people peering at her curiously. She would see them smile and wave to her. Kincaid stopped the horse in front of a burning fire in the center of the community. He jumped off leaving Joanna alone of the horse. Joanna heard women call men's names and children yelling for their fathers. She watched Barclay jump off his horse and towards a woman with blonde hair. He swept her into his arms laughing. He released the woman and suddenly held a small boy on his hip. It was a sweet sight.

"I imagine that will be us one day," Kincaid said, "Except, of course, several more offspring to show how passionate our marriage is."

She turned red. She could tell how much he enjoyed seeing her squirm. Kincaid smirked at her.

"TONIGHT WE CELEBRATE!" Kincaid shouted.

The people cheered. Kincaid took the reins and led the horse with Joanna still seated upon it and waded through the crowd of people. "Where are we going?" she asked feeling nervous. Kincaid chuckled. "You must meet someone before I can take you to my home," he said. A pit of fear settled into her stomach. They carried on to the outskirts of the village. Kincaid led her to what looked like an abandoned shack of mud and sticks. "What is this place?" she asked staring at the home. Kincaid pulled the horse to a halt and tied the reins to a tree. "This is the home of our Seer. It is required of every man and woman to be wed to visit him. He predicts," Kincaid answered.

"What exactly does he predict?" she asked. Joanna knew she probably didn't want to know the answer. Kincaid came closer.

"How many children the wife shall bear. Whether the man and wife...," Kincaid trailed off as his hand snaked it's way up to her thigh, "...Shall have an intimate connection."

Joanna kicked her leg and Kincaid removed his hand. An evil smirk appeared on his face. He held out his arms to help her down. She stared at him suspiciously. "I won't bite," he grinned. She still didn't trust him. "I can always climb up there and get you myself," he suggested. Without another word she slid off into his arms. He led her with a hand on her back towards the small home. The gods only knew what lay behind the door of the small shack.

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