Chapter Thirty Two

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Joanna seemed to be holding her breath as the days turn to weeks. Both Kincaid and Joanna waited for Daven to arrive looking for his grandson. Kincaid did his best to console Joanna by telling her he wouldn't let his father come even in stones throwing distance to them. Kincaid worked feverishly to plan his father's capture. Barclay was his accomplice along with several of their men. Soon it had been two months with no sign of Daven. He would have arrived by now. Kincaid was suspicious. Joanna was relieved, but still on guard.

"I'm worried. What if he just appears?" Joanna asked.

"There is no need to worry. Kincaid has the finest men in the Highlands. No harm will befall you," Aílis  assured her.

"You weren't there to see the determination in his eyes. Daven meant what he said," Joanna said fearfully.

Aílis laid a hand upon Joanna's. "You must stay strong and have faith. If not for yourself then for your husband and child," she urged. She was right. Joanna had to be strong. Still she felt uncertain. Joanna would have gone back to the Seer for answers, but she already knew she could no longer get any answers from him. They were on their own. Joanna held Bran in her arms tightly. He had grown some in the last two months. Aílis had helped Joanna greatly with caring for Bran. The job would usually land to her mother to help aid her with her child, but that would never be possible for Joanna. Cathleen and Marian were always delighted to see their nephew. They had been living with Barclay and Aílis since they had returned form Britannia. Joanna felt awfully guilty that they had to care for her sisters, but they always insisted they were no burden. They completely understood that Kincaid and Joanna had a full house. Joanna was even more guilty now that Aílis was expecting. They would no longer have room in their home. "It is no trouble at all to have them, Joanna," Aílis insisted.

"Please, you are expecting now. Your home cannot house your family and mine. We will make due with my sisters living with us. The children can share one room," Joanna argued.

"I don't understand why you insist. You do not need to raise an infant AND two young girls," she retorted.

"Please Aílis. My sisters are my responsibility," Joanna insisted.

Aílis sighed and gave in against her will. That night the little girls went home with Joanna. It was that night Joanna discovered Kincaid's fatherly side. Cathleen, Marian, and he were on the floor. Kincaid pretended to be a bear. He was on all fours and growled. Cathleen and Marian squealed and giggled as he grabbed at them. Joanna smiled holding Bran to her chest. Kincaid laughed in between growls. Suddenly he grabbed Marian around the waist and began towering over her. He tickled her ribs and neck. Marian laughed until her face turned red. Suddenly Cathleen jumped onto Kincaid's back trying to rescue her sister. "There's the other one!" Kincaid laughed. He reached around and grabbed Cathleen laying her on the floor. He tickled both girls. Marian managed to wriggle free of Kincaid's trap, and ran towards Joanna. She hid behind the chair Joanna was sitting on catching her breath. "MA..MARIAN!" Cathleen laughed. Kincaid laughed, "Don't mess with the big bad bear!" Joanna stood up, "Alright, big bad bear, it is time for these little cubs to sleep." Both little girls grumbled. Kincaid smirked, "You heard your sister. To bed the both of you." Marian came out from around the chair following Joanna. Cathleen stood up off the floor. She suddenly hugged Kincaid around the neck. "Good night," she said. Marian suddenly did the same. "Good night, little cubs," Kincaid said.

They watched the little girls file into the back room. Joanna followed them. Once inside Joanna lay Bran to sleep. Both girls had changed into sleeping gowns and slipped into a small bed on the opposite wall of Bran's bed. Joanna came over and tucked them in. She kissed each of their forehead's. "Good night, my loves," she whispered. Quietly Joanna left them to sleep. Kincaid stood up off the floor as Joanna closed the door. She faced her husband and smiled at him. "They adore you, my love," she said.

"They only love me because of you," he admitted.

"No, it takes a lot to earn a child's love. They truly love you, Kincaid," Joanna said.

Kincaid smiled, "What about you? Do you truly love me?"

Kincaid came closer to her as Joanna pretended to think.

"I believe I do. Do you truly love me?" she asked.

He stared into her eyes with so much sincerity, "Truly I love you."

(Sexual Content. Kind of graphic)

"Prove to me then," she challenged. Kincaid had a devilish smirk spread across his lips. "Get in that bedroom, and I shall, milady," he growled. Kincaid smacked her ass, and she squealed a bit. Slowly Joanna walked towards their bed chambers. She glanced behind her at Kincaid with long lashes. Kincaid raised an eyebrow. Joanna giggled as he began to chase after her. Kincaid picked her up and threw her on the bed. He shut the door and locked it. He slipped off his boots and kilt. Joanna slipped out of her dress and into the sheets. Kincaid joined her and pinned her to the bed. "Tonight, my love, I shall make slow passionate love to you. I will do everything in my power to be perfect for you, and I will not stop until I achieve it," he said. Joanna shivered with anticipation. Kincaid kissed her neck slowly and intimately. Slowly he trailed down her neck. Kissing her chest and breasts making goose bumps appear on her soft skin. He trailed even further down. Joanna gripped the sheets beneath her biting her bottom lip. Suddenly he reached his destination. Joanna arched her back quietly moaning in approval.

Joanna did what she could to remain silent. Kincaid slowly kissed back up her body leaving passion marks on her skin. He kissed her lips with passion and desire. Joanna moaned into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck digging her fingers into his blonde hair. Kincaid moaned when she tugged his locks. Kincaid spread her legs. She suddenly felt him. Slowly she felt him. She pulled away moaning and gasping into his shoulder. The rhythm was slow; almost torturous. Her nails raked across Kincaid's muscled and scarred back. She bit down on his shoulder trying hard to keep quiet. Kincaid gripped the sheets in his hand resisting the urge to quicken his pace and enjoy the slow paced pleasure. Joanna's moans were music to his ears. Suddenly he shifted around until she straddled him. Sweat began to gleam off of Joanna's breasts. Kincaid held tight to her hips guiding her movements. He could feel her need to speed things along, but he controlled her. "Be patient, my love. Feel the pleasure," he said breathlessly. Joanna's hands landed on top of his. She rode him in long slow strides. Joanna moaned quietly. She moved his hands up her body to her breasts. Kincaid gripped them in his hands. Joanna felt him squeeze her breasts, and she moaned. She kept her slow pace even as she grew greedy for more.

Kincaid sat up wrapping his arms around her body. He made her strides longer and harder. She wrapped her arms around his neck gripping his hair between her fingers. "You...will be...the death...of me," Joanna said between strides. She had never felt this much pleasure in her life. Even when he had made love to her in Britannia after Andrew had threatened to take her away, this was far better. "Say my name," Kincaid whispered. Joanna resisted. She bit her lips trapping the words. Kincaid fell back against the bed and pinned Joanna on her back. His rhythm slowed and became harder. Joanna was being tortured. Her legs wrapped around his waist. "Say my name, woman. Tell me who you belong to," Kincaid ordered. The longer Joanna stayed quiet the more Kincaid made the torture and pleasure grow. Finally she couldn't take it. "Kincaid! I belong to you, Kincaid," she moaned.

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