Chapter Seven

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Kincaid came riding back from the forest. The stallion he rode was sweating, white lather formed on the beast's muscles. He patted the animal's neck and trotted down the hill towards his home. He reached the pen and dismounted, releasing the tired animal into the pen with the other horse. Wiping the back of his neck with his hand, he walked inside. Upon opening the door, Kincaid saw Joanna standing near the fire, silently walking to the fire where the stew bubbled. He took a bowl that hung on the rack that held the pot and dipped it in, sitting down at the table in the other side of the room. He broke the bread left on the table and began to eat. Joanna was scared to say anything. After last night when he left her, she didn't know whether to say thank you or to keep her silence. It was an awkward situation, but had to say something. At least she felt like she has to. "Thank you for the breakfast," she finally uttered.

Kincaid simply nodded and continued to eat. He didn't want to talk. Mainly, because he didn't know what to say. He suddenly saw Joanna sit in front of him. She took a piece of bread and ate some. It was silent. The only sounds were the crackling of the fire and the bubbling of the stew. Kincaid suddenly remembered something that was to happen today.

"It is customary for a chief to parade his wife through the village. This is not a request but a requirement. It is a chance for you to see your people," he said.

"My people are back in Britannia," she mumbled.

Kincaid heard this and rolled his eyes, "You are my wife and I am the chief. Your life as a princess is no more. You rule here not Britannia."

Kincaid stood up and pulled a large chest to the middle of the room. "Your items," he said. He sat back in his chair and propped his feet up on the table. She slowly opened it and found all the clothes and items she packed neatly tucked away. As she dug in the chest she felt Kincaid's eyes scanning her. She looked over and he was biting his bottom lip and staring at her. She gathered up a dress of dark red and made her way into the bed chambers. "I wouldn't mind at all if you wish to change out here," he smirked. She snorted and shut the door. Kincaid laughed to himself as she disappeared. He stood up and closed the chest. Kincaid sat back down once more and waited. Finally the door opened and Joanna emerged in the blood red dress. It showed of her hips and waste perfectly and it revealed her shoulders. Kincaid blinked a few times. He loved the look of her. Kincaid regained his bearings and stood up. He picked up his fur cloak and draped it onto his shoulders. He clasped the metal chains and let it hang there. He looked over and saw Joanna standing there. He went to the door, opened it, and waited for her. She stared at him. She carefully walked towards the door and out it. Kincaid led her around the house towards the pen. He took his steed from the pen leaving Joanna's stallion to rest.

"Brace yourself," Kincaid said. Joanna wasn't paying attention when Kincaid grabbed her around the waist. He suddenly picked up and set her on the horse. She nearly screamed. Her face had turned a bright red, and she glared. He laughed as he climbed onto the horse. "I warned you, my lady," he said. He kicked the horse and it moved forward. They headed down a hill towards the village. The village had woken and people did their daily chores and jobs as they passed through. People scurried around. Children played with dogs and animals. Many stopped to wave towards them, and children followed behind laughing. Kincaid watched as Joanna looked upon his people. She didn't look at them in pity and disgust but with kindness and wonder. He was surprised to see that. A crowd gathered and many stood on their toes or atop things to catch a glimpse of Kincaid's bride.

Kincaid pulled the horse to a halt. He slid off and reached up to Joanna. She hesitantly slid into his arms. People crowded to see them. Kincaid released her when a group of little girls came up to her. Joanna saw them and instantly remember Marian and Cathleen. How she missed them. She held in her tears. She couldn't let these people see her upset. The little girls handed her a small bracelet made of white flowers. "Thank you, It is so beautiful I shall wear it all day," Joanna complemented. The girls smiled and laughed. They all suddenly hugged her. Joanna gave a small laugh as the girls pulled away. They gave small curtsies and ran off. Unknown to Joanna, Kincaid smiled at her actions. Kincaid knew even if she hated him she wouldn't hate his people.


A week had passed since that day, and Kincaid and Joanna were still on disliking terms. Kincaid spent most of his nights laying by the fire while Joanna took the bed of warm furs. He didn't like it, but he was a gentleman and she was his wife. It was easier to sleep on the floor than to argue with an angry woman. Joanna hated living with Kincaid. She couldn't stand the brute. Joanna hated his constant arrogance and intimate touches. How she wanted to slap him. She didn't dare though knowing his anger might get the best of his generosity.

"I just don't understand," Kincaid blocked a strike, "She's never happy."

Barclay smiled as he gripped the hilt of his sword tighter. "Women are a mystery. Especially yours," Barclay said lunging towards Kincaid.

They fought for some time. Until Kincaid had enough of training. "Enough," he said shoving his sword into the ground. Kincaid sat down and relaxed. A breeze began to dry his sweaty skin. "I can't satisfy the woman," Kincaid complained. Barclay sat down next to him.

"I couldn't help but notice that she's not like the whore's you've charmed in the past," Barclay admitted.

Kincaid scoffed.

"Listen to me, brother. Wives take effort. They aren't just bed mates you can harass. Your wife especially," Barclay explained.

Kincaid had to admit that he did harass her quite often. "Just because I harass her doesn't mean she has to be such an arrogant priss," Kincaid argued.

"Actually it does. The more you harass the more she will hate you," he said.

Suddenly Aílis came walking up. She handed the two men a leather skin pouch of water. "Aílis, you and Joanna have spent some time together. Why is she so up tight?" Kincaid asked.

Aílis rolled her eyes, "Isn't it obvious?"

Both men just stared at her. She gave a huff, "She is unhappy here. She misses her family, her sisters, her father, her home, and..."

"And that scrawny boy Prince Andrew," Kincaid interrupted.

"No, she didn't care for him. Yes, she expected to be wed to him and as children they had a connection, but since then she's lost the fondness for him. She misses her family and is tired of being harassed by you, Chief Kincaid," Aílis accused.

Kincaid couldn't say anything to that. He was ashamed at how he had harassed his own wife. "I know you better than anyone, Kincaid. You don't want to hurt this woman, do you?" Aílis asked.

Kincaid shook his head.

"Then let her adjust without you trying to get under her skirts," Aílis concluded.

Kincaid almost turned red, but she had a point. Aílis turned and left. Barclay watched with intense eyes as his wife left. Kincaid watched him and laughed. Barclay looked to him. "Well go on! She won't wait forever!" Kincaid encouraged. Barclay jumped up and chased after the blonde. Kincaid thought for a moment. He just thought and thought about his situation with Joanna.

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