[27] The Final Days

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Double Update!

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Double Update!

Reader POV

I didn't know what Langris or Yuno did right after, but things began to turn in our favor.

I lead another fleet over to drop supplies.

"This is DFX1 to Command! Do you come in, command!" Roman said over the intercom.

"This is Command to DFX1. What is your status?"

Roman adjusted some gears and opened the hatches. "We're ten seconds from dropping the packages. Do I have confirmation that Base 092 is ready?"

"Confirmed. Go, DFX1."

"Alright, bet. Dropping the Queen with them."

I gave Roman a thumbs-up, using my magic to make a space to breathe, checking the packages.

"Go, Your Highness!"

"Cya later, Ro." I jumped, a vortex of energy created behind me as I flew down, tucking in my ice wings as a trail of navy blue and silver streaking across the sky in my wake.

It was called a sonic boom of sorts and it was the symbol of hope.

I dropped the packages and flew safely down to the base, people cheering.


I looked up and saw Solid Silva smiling.

"You think you can do that again?" He asked me, pointing to some children who were staring at me with amazement. "They really were impressed."

I placed my hand on his shoulder, handing him a direct order from the Diamond Capital to give to the genral of this base. "Maybe later. I see you're starting to become more friendly. Good for you, Solid."

"Whatever. Kirsch wants to speak to you."

"Of course." I nodded and took my helmet off, holding it in my hands. "Oh, and Solid?"


"Keep this up," I said. "You're doing splendid work."

He blushed a bit. "W-whatever!"

I chuckled and watch him walk away, children following him like a duckling.

"Your Highness!" People bowed and I held my hand up.

"At ease, everyone. Right now we're focused on a war and not formal titles. You will address me as (y/n). Please."

People looked at me and nodded.

"(y/n)!!!" Kirsch Vermillion jumped out of the crowds, hugging me. "See?! I knew you'd be fine when you entered the castle to kick Zenon's ass. Where is he anyway?"

"He's a dead bitch," I said with a smirk. "And hopefully for his sake, he'll find happiness one day."

"Ah, kind as ever. How beautiful." He leaned down and kissed my hand.

[Cold Hearted] Langris Vaude x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now