[20] The War is Here

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Double update!

Reader POV

I flew right to the edge of my kingdom that bordered the Spade kingdom.

"Ice Creation Magic: Valkyrie Armor."

The ice formed around my body and I shot right through the air, placing the towns in ice domes to protect them from the Dark Triad.

"Rest in peace, brave soldiers." I whispered to the already fallen soldiers with their grimoires disappearing to dust.

I rested my feet on the tip of a clock that used to be a trade district between the two kingdoms with the first Diamond King as a statue looking down with his sword sticking down.

It was also the town that had the Hall of Kings where all Diamond monarchs were crowned as a way to remember our ancestors.

I quickly raised my hand to the sky.

"Winter Magic: Redemption of Tainted Souls."

Thousand of Spade mages were shot down by the arrows made of ice, their blood staining the statues and even some people who fled.

The shadows threatened to overtake those who fled so I cast magic around the area, my eyes glowing a faint red.

"Winter God Magic: Cloak of Hades."

The people disappeared into the shadows and traveled through the portals I created.

I knew I was using lots of mana right now as the major god spells required the most, but I was willing to put my life on the line.

Some of the generals I had personally talked to joined me in defending the town from the aggressors from the north.

I flew down to the town center and slammed my foot down on the concrete, turning it to ice. "Winter Magic: Frozen Golems."

A huge portal appeared and statues made of ice and charged with mana ran towards the Spade warriors, slicing them up one by one.

But it was still not enough.

I shot a beam of light at the sky that could be seen from all four kingdoms as my signal that I needed backup.

"Crap!" I spat as I exerted more mana in the air to create more portals for people to escape.

"Your Highness! We can't keep it up!" General Winston shouted at me as he used his iron magic to reinforce the shields of ice with iron.

"Try to!" I shouted back at him, creating a dragon out of ice and reinforced with the blades of Hestia and the lightning bolts of Zeus.

It soared through the air and froze the enemy in thick sheets of ice.


I heard his voice and turned to the sound, seeing him appear through a portal with his bone magic.

[Cold Hearted] Langris Vaude x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now