[34] Show Yourself

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Reader POV

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Reader POV

Fallon was now 5, myself 25, and Langris 29.

"Mommy!" Fallon was running towards me, using his ice magic to propell himself forward. "Look!"

"Just be careful," I said as his father chased him around, smiling like an idiot. "And Langris! Make sure he's safe."

"Yes, dear."

I watched them play for a bit, looking back down at my papers on international affairs on the table beside my bed.

My relationship with Yuno didn't get any better.

He had been increasingly hostile on our border to the point where I felt he wouldn't be happy to attend the christening of my newborn daughter Princess Yuki Eira Korenthan-Vaude.

So I didn't invite him as there was no need to make bad energy at such an important day.

Her older brother Crown Prince Fallon Astro Korenthan-Vaude was very protective over his sister to the point where he wouldn't let any male hold her unless it was himself.

Needless to say, Langris had issues trying to get Yuki to acknowledge him as her father as she hardly ever saw him unless I stepped in.

Said daughter was sleeping in my arms right now, tufts of strawberry blonde (that appeared brown in certain lighting) hair on her head.

"Mommy!" Fallon was about to grab my arm when Langris shook his head.

"Not now, Fall. Let's let Mommy and Yuki rest, okay?"


"Now, Fallon."

I gave Langris a grateful look as we both knew Fallon wouldn't let up until I allowed him to sleep next to me, but not today.

I was too tired to deal with one child, let alone another.

The door closed behind the two and I placed Yuki down, wary she was able to go from being a sleeping angel to a crying devil in a moment's notice.

Yuki thankfully slept in her crib, clutching her pale purple blanket tightly.

I kissed her forehead, getting into my own bed once more.

As I fell asleep, I couldn't help but feel a presence that I hadn't felt since the night my grimoire was blessed by the gods.

Hours later, I got my answer.

I woke up, feeling Langris's magic.

"What the hell are you doing!? Put my daughter down this instant!" He was about to attack someone.

But when I saw their face, my blood froze and I got out of bed slowly as I was pregnant once more.


[Cold Hearted] Langris Vaude x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now