[3] Aishubado

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Ahaha triple update because I love you :)

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Ahaha triple update because I love you :)

Reader POV

I was getting ready to head into town with Langris. I was still shocked he asked me to accompany him, but I had nothing better to do, right?

We would be leaving to the Grand Mana region in two days and he wanted to get supplies.

"(y/n)! Ready to go?" Langris asked. I nodded. "We're taking spacial magic there. It's faster."


"(y/n)!!" I was attacked by an overjoyed Finral.

"Get off!" I groaned. I looked around for Langris -not that he would be much help- but he was nowhere to be seen.

The brown-haired mange smiled at me. "How's the Golden Dawn treating you?"

I shrugged. "It's alright. Some hate me, some are okay, and some like me."

Finral wriggled his eyebrows. "Has Langris been acting like sour pus to you?"

"Ye-wait, that's right! You're brothers!"

"HALF-brothers." Langris finally appeared, but he was holding two bottles of...cider? "You're a disgrace to the House of Vaude, Finral." He smiled as he said so and handed me a bottle of cider. 

I shook my head. "No thanks,"

Finral nudged me in a playful way. "Just accept it! Not every day my younger brother actually is nice to someone, a female at that!"

"Fine, but only because your brother asked me to." I accepted the cider and took a swig. "Wow! This stuff is...wow!"

Langris nodded. "Now if you'll excuse us," He grabbed my arm and dragged me away from his confused brother. "(y/n), I want you to stay away from him."

I ripped his arm off me. "Why? He's nice! Sure, he's a flirt, but anyone with a brain can tell he's kind!"

"He's nothing but a Noble Failure. Everyone in the House of Vaude knows,"

I frowned. "But I'm not in or from a noble house."

He sighed. "Maybe not, but even the peasants like you should know!"

That struck me. Here I thought maybe he's warmed up to me. Guess not. "Well, I guess peasants like me shouldn't be seen with a Noble of your stature," with that, I stormed off.

"(y/n)...wait..." Langris tried to follow me but was ineffective. I summoned a portal and walked through, leaving him back in the Clover Kingdom Capital.

The portal took me to one of my favorite places; the Northern Mountains. Where my cave-away-from-home was. I sighed at the mess I made.

"Guess I'd better clean up," I used my earth magic and other elemental magic to fix leaks, clear away unwanted dirt. Soon the place was cleaned up.

[Cold Hearted] Langris Vaude x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now