[7] His Other Side

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Holy shit 7 updates today I should probably stop

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Holy shit 7 updates today I should probably stop.

Finral POV (2 month timeskip)

"(yyyyyyy/nnnnnnn)!!!!!!" I shouted as I attacked the (h/c) mage with a hug.

"Hi, Fin!!" (y/n) greeted me enthusiastically. I noticed that Langris had a jealous expression as I hugged my friend.

I snickered and stuck my tongue out at him.

Bad. Move.

He rolled his eyes and the usual scorn on his face formed itself once more. I've noticed that ever since (y/n) graced our lives with her AWESOME magic, he's become happier.

"So, how's life treating you?" She asked as we sat down at the tavern's table.

I shrugged. "Asta got yelled at again for disturbing Yami's 'Golden Time'."

She raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What is this 'Golden Time'?"

Vanessa gave her a grin. "Well, to put it in simple words, it's the time where no one can bother him. Otherwise, you'll be punished severely."

A look flashed between Langris and (y/n). My younger brother gave her a smirk and she looked away, blushing very deeply.

I wonder what happened there?

"Baka! Give me back my wand!!" Noelle screamed at Asta.

"No! I want to see how it works!" Asta retorted, trying to make it work.

The rest of us just helplessly watched as Noelle slapped him and retrieved her wand.


"I really want to take you somewhere, (y/n)!!" I said happily as we walked out of the tavern.

Langris's gaze darkened. "Failure, she's mine."

"Jeez, as a friend, Langris! Friend!! F. R. I. E. N. D.!!"

(y/n) nodded. "It's just for a bit,"

He gave her a longing sigh. "Fine, but if you're not back by Midnight, I'm coming for you. I have no idea what my flirt failure brother has up his pathetic sleeves."

The (h/c) mage sighed. "You know, being nice to your brother isn't a bad thing,"

"He's not my brother," Langris said before turning away.

Reader POV

"Thanks, but he won't change," Finral said quietly.

I shook my head. "Well, I'm trying. It's not right that Langris treats you horribly! You're my first friend, Fin! I can call you Fin, right?"

He nodded. "You can call me anything! Now!" He produced a portal. "Shall we?"

We stepped into the portal and stepped out to see a beautiful cove.

[Cold Hearted] Langris Vaude x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now