[36] The Wizard King

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Yuno POV (5 years later)

"It seems that the Prince Consort of the Diamond Kingdom has an illegitimate son," Ralph informed me one cold morning.

"I already heard this news," I said. "And I do know that's not going to fly. Vaude may claim him as his son, but he mustn't be accepted on the Diamond throne."

"He's not," Ralph said quickly. "They're giving him a noble title."

"Good. I absolutely would not accept someone with impure blood on the throne of a neighboring kingdom."

"Dad, why is it any of your business?" Eren asked me with a frown. "That's (y/n)'s kingdom and not ours."

"Eren, you don't understand. To taint the throne-"

"But it's Aunt (y/n)'s kingdom, not ours."

I glared at him. "Eren Grinberryall. Queen (y/n) is not your aunt. She is the queen of an enemy kingdom."

"No, Father. You're just being so hostile. I was in the Diamond kingdom with Fallon since both of us are studying together-"

"Eren! What did I say about meeting Prince Fallon! You know that is forbidden."

"But why?" He looked distraught. "Father, I grew up with him! He's my best friend!"

"I do not care. He is the prince of a neighboring kingdom who is our enemy."

"They're not the enemy," Eren glared at me. "You're the enemy."

My mouth dropped with shock. "Excuse me?"

"Father, I remember when you got coronated. You said something to me: make friends since they'll be your greatest allies."

I watched him leave. "Where do you think you're going, young man?"

"Away. From you."

And he used his wind magic to leave, not looking back.

"Shall I follow him?" Ralph asked me with concern.

I thought about it for a while. "No. He's more than capable of being safe by himself. After all, he is 15."


I walked outside and looked in the distance.

Sure enough, I detected Eren's mana trail extending to the Diamond kingdom.

"Of course." I shook my head in annoyance. "He's probably going to bother Fallon."

I had suspected my son had a crush on him, but that was his business.

I was more concerned about the fact that he didn't have the proper documentation to travel to Korenthan's kingdom.

I suppose it doesn't matter now.

[Cold Hearted] Langris Vaude x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now