[9] But By Chance, We Met Again

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I realize that Patri and Ratri are cousins (as per the official fandom pages)

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I realize that Patri and Ratri are cousins (as per the official fandom pages). Let's say they're NOT RELATED because incest is fucking disgusting.

Double Update!

Welcome to one of the longest-if not the longest chapter in the book :D

Elf Reader POV, 500 years ago

"Hurry up!!" Ratri held my hand as we ran across the fields. He was smiling.

"Wait for me!!" I struggled to keep up.

He stopped and conjured up a portal. "C'mon!" The portal took us to the top of the rocks.

"Wow!!" I gasped. The blue magnolia trees were starting to bloom. It only happened once every seven-hundred years. The constellation Medea shone upon the two of us.

He kissed my cheek. "I've waited and waited to show you this. Licht told me that the blue Magnolias would bloom tonight. I'm so glad we got to see it together..."

He picked one and placed it in my hair, staring at me with pride. "I love you so much, (y/n). I want to spend every moment with you. Waking up. Brushing our teeth. Eating meals. Everything."

He went down on one knee, holding out a ring he crafted himself with my birthstone. "Will you marry me?"

I nodded, hugging him tightly. "Of course I will!"

He smiled and slid the finger onto my left hand on the index finger, the sunset warming our faces.

It was a gentle summer's night and we held hands, redness on our faces.

Eclat was the first to notice when she tried to grab my hand.

"EH?! Ratri! You stole her away from me!"

Patri saw my left hand next and sighed. "Well, too bad, Eclat. Ratri loves her and she loves him. You can't stop the threads of fate."

Kivn snickered. "Yeah, Eclat."

Ratri patted my hand. "Well, you did give me permission to marry your sister, Patri. We shall be brothers-in-law soon enough."

"Yeah, well, whatever." Patri rolled his eyes. "But (y/n), what-"

I was ignoring htem all since the children wanted to see the wedding ring.

I overhead Rhya teasing Ratri about it.

"She'll make a good mother, Ratri. Better marry her soon, eh?"

Ratri's face became red and he punched Rhya. "Shut up!"

"Well that's what the wedding night is for anyway, unless you're Licht and Tetia," Drowa yawned.

I looked over at Charla who was holding her niece. "What's the wedding night?"

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