S221(U9): Only a crack in this castle of glass

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Hi, everyone and a belated happy new year to you all, it feels like forever since I last posted an update to this story.

First off, a huge thank you to everyone who has left me a comment or some kudos since I posted the last update, I really appreciate the support. Secondly, my apologies that it is almost the end of January that this update is finally making it to you and that it consists of only two of the four chapters I promised last time out. Unfortunately, since the turn of the year, I have not had as much writing time as I would have liked and had issues with writing this update. However, I've decided that you guys have waited too long for an update as it is, so I'm posting the two chapters I have now, rather than making you all wait another 2-3 weeks for me to write all four.

Before I move onto this chapter, Celioxa, who did some wonderful drawings of Shego last year, has been busy and drawn some more amazing Kim and Shego artwork. In particular, she has done a fantastic drawing of Shego wearing her outfit from way back in chapter three: Set the fire to the first bar. So, please do check out her Twitter or Instagram pages (links below) and if you like her work, please leave her a like or a comment or follow her.



Right, onto this update. I will say this upfront, this chapter was a ba***rd to write and the first one that I genuinely did not enjoy writing for this story. However, despite that, I think it turned out quite well in the end, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that. As for the chapter title, Only a crack in this castle of glass, it is taken from the Linkin Park song Castle of glass. I actually heard the song for the first time while in the car after finishing the chapter (it was untitled at the time) and both liked the song and thought that lyric was a perfect title for this chapter. However, I'll leave it to you guys to make what you will of the metaphor.

So, without further delay from me, enjoy.


"Take a good look, Inmate."

The dominating voice of Captain Brooks, which contained more than just a hint of satisfaction, rang in Kim's ears, as she was forced to gaze out at the crowd of jeering inmates. Unable to stand the sight of so many villains that she herself had sent to prison laughing at her, she glanced up at the sharp features of the Captain, who held her by a fistful of her flaming-red hair. The woman's thin lips held a slight curl to them and a pair of merciless grey eyes bored into her gentle olive-greens.

"P...P...Please, I don't belong here!" she pleaded

Brooks responded by tightening her grip on Kim's hair; twisting it around so that every strand caused a biting pain in her scalp and felt on the verge of being torn out.

"Ahhh!" she cried out; unable to stifle it.

The laughter from the baying crowd intensified. While they may have hated their tormentor, Kim knew they'd make the exception and wholeheartedly support the Captain's humiliation of her; the one individual they despised more.

A cold, cruel laugh escaped from Brooks' mouth. "Perhaps Inmate is the wrong name for you." A brief flash of menace showed in those empty grey eyes. "Yes, I think Princess will suit you better."

Kim's eyes widened in horror and her mouth fell open. No... how does she...

"That's what she calls you, isn't it?" the Captain asked and Kim was too stunned to tell if the question had been rhetorical or not.

She quickly got her answer as the pain in her scalp intensified, "AHHH!"

"I asked you a question, Princess," Brooks barked. "Is that not what she calls you; your green-skinned little friend?"

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