S227(U12): So I called up the Captain

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Author's note:

Hey, everyone, I'm back again and with a short update for you all. As this is an interlude, I felt that it was appropriate for it to be posted by itself.

The chapter title for this one: So I called up the Captain, is a lyric from the Eagles song Hotel California, from the album of the same name. And from the title, I suspect you will all know who it is going to feature.

As always, my thanks to everyone for all the support you give me; you guys are amazing.

So, let's get on with it. Enjoy.


Entropy; the term that describes the nature of all processes to tend towards disorder and chaos. If there existed an opposite to this phenomenon, it would be personified by Captain Claudia Brooks. The woman who organises that which is disorganised; turns anarchy and chaos into order and routine. Take her office for example. When she had inherited it from her predecessor; Warden Norton, it had been akin to a swirling mass of chaos, caught within the vortex of a whirlpool, which in itself had been battered around inside a tornado. A man ultimately overtaxed by the heavy burden of his position, Norton had left the room a filthy mess of files, newspapers, empty energy drink cans, half-drunk mugs of coffee and boxes containing the decaying remains of leftover pastries. In short, it had made the one owned by Dr Betty Director seem like a poster-girl for good office hygiene. Then its current owner had acquired it and in a single day, transformed it into the gleaming; pristine room it was today.

Captain Brooks sat upright in her high-backed leather desk chair, a cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee sitting neatly atop its saucer and situated with precision in its allocated spot on the desk; a polished metal coaster beneath it. Everything that resided on the large oak surface had its place and looked as though it had been positioned using a ruler and the spot memorised. Except Brooks had needed no measuring implement. Her eyes alone had been enough to establish everything's location with such laser-like precision. This also applied to every other piece of furniture and object in the room. Everything had been assigned its place in the same manner and the Captain had memorised them all.

Brooks' eyes roved over a file, which was currently displayed on a large flat-panel monitor. After she'd met with Elizabeth the previous week, she'd started a background check on the freelancer known as Quinn Phy-Knight and dug up a plethora of data. From school transcripts, newspaper reports of her activities and even several police reports obtained from the department in the girl's hometown, the Captain had begun to build up a picture of the 'hero'. Naturally, she'd gone hunting for the Global Justice file on the girl too but found it to be both classified and above her security clearance. Finding this both surprising and suspicious, she'd called in some favours to try and acquire it and redoubled her efforts with the data that she'd already acquired. Thus far, neither had borne fruit.

What are you trying to hide, Elizabeth? Brooks mused, scrolling through the file she herself had created so she could add in some more details from a newspaper report she'd just read about the girl engaging Lord Montgomery Fisk at the Forbidden City in China. While the monkey obsessed villain had escaped, much to the Captain's irritation, it had been a large win for the freelancer and occurred while Kim Possible had been AWOL. Alas, the report, while both interesting and coming from a somewhat reputable source, shed no light on what her superior could be hiding. While it might not tell me what Elizabeth is up to, this report does seem to align with the other evidence. Despite how uncouth and downright irritating she may be, I'm beginning to suspect that this Quinn Phy-Knight would come out on top in a ranking of all the eighteen and under freelancers and that she's held that position for over a year. The Captain had come across HeroTV's power rankings for the category in question several days ago and while they had corroborated with her theory, she had ignored their assessment due to the fact the power rankings were calculated using shoddy metrics and guesswork.

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