Chapter 34: Dance on a volcano

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Kim Possible had barely slept the previous night. Eventually, she'd awoken at five-thirty, gone out for an hour-long run and then used her Kimmunicator to open the door to the hotel's gym, so she could beat the living daylights out of its punching bag for an hour; eventually causing it to burst. She had then gone back to her room to shower and dress; today selecting her purple mission outfit. It was while finishing breakfast, that her Kimmunicator had finally beeped.

"Go, Wade," Kim said darkly, her anger back to bubbling just beneath the surface for now.

"Morning, Kim," Wade replied, taking a slurp out of a bowl of cereal. The boy was still dressed in his pyjamas. "The simulator ran all night and has finally figured out the most likely weapon Drakken has been building, based on the components that have been stolen."

"I'm not interested in what he's building, just where Shego is hiding."

The computer geek ignored her interjection and continued, "it seems like he's been building some sort of cannon that shoots bolts of lightning that can arc. If the computer is right, he'll be able to use it to hit any target he wants, without the need for satellites or complex mirror systems."

"Where is Shego," Kim demanded impatiently.

Wade gave her a look of concern. "Kim, I've just told you that Drakken has built a weapon that can hit any target in the world and you only care about finding Shego. What on earth is going on?"

"That's not your concern, Wade," she spat. "Now, just tell me where she's hiding."

The geek shook his head, "Kim, I really think you need to talk to someone. I thought you were just eager to even the score with her earlier in the week, but this has become obsession. Maybe you should give your mom a phone."

Kim's left hand balled into a fist and she slammed it into the table, gaining her shocked looks for everyone at the tables nearby. "Don't tell me what to do, Wade," she said viciously. "I don't need nor want to talk to my mom. Now, tell me where that bitch is!"

"Kim, for your own good, I can't do that," Wade began, but she swiftly cut him off.

"If you don't, who's going to stop Drakken from using his new toy to take over the world," she barked, while internally thinking, how dare he think he knows what's for my own good. It seems like mom's got to him far more than I realised. However, the implications of that, she would have to deal with later.

She glared at the geek through the small Kimmunicator screen and could see the sweat form on his brow as he weighed up his options. He could continue to refuse her and pass the intel on to global justice. However, GJ agents, even highly trained ones, were no match for Shego. While they might eventually take her down due to sheer numbers, a lot of them would probably suffer some serious injuries. Was Wade willing to allow that to happen?

Finally, after what felt like an age, the gearhead let out a sigh of defeat, "ok, Kim, you win. However, I'm only doing this because I don't want to send a bunch of Global Justice lambs to the slaughter against Shego. And I still think you need to talk to someone about this obsession."

"Just give me the intel, then shut up and let me deal with it."

"Based on the data and what Shego said, Drakken is using an active volcano to generate the power needed for his new lightning-ray. And given Drakken's flair for the dramatic, he'll have built it in the most dangerous volcano in the US."

"Mount St Helens," Kim said as a dark smirk formed on her face. Now I've got you, Bitch! "Get me a Halo drop there asap," she then commanded as she rose from her chair. "Then deal with my hotel checkout and getting the Sloth back to Middleton."

And You And IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora