S234(U17): It shouldn't need to be so fucking hard

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Author's note:

Hey, everyone. My apologies that this update is arriving a day later than planned, however, I was feeling really unwell last night and so was unable to post it. But, hey, it's here now.

Ok, so these two chapters I have for you today were initially one chapter, then two, then had different stuff happening in them and ultimately, were a complete hot mess when I was writing them. Seriously, I made a major screw up and instead of realising that's what I'd done and taking a step back from it, I kept adding more crap to try and fix it and only made things a lot worse. However, eventually, I came to my senses and sorted everything out... and then one of our two ladies threw me the mother of all curveballs and that sent everything into the air again. But, in the end, I managed to deal with everything and I think things worked out, although I am genuinely surprised by how cohesive these two chapters finally became.

Anyway, thank you all for your continued support and let's get on with things. The first chapter take's its title from a lyric: It shouldn't need to be so fucking hard, from the Snow Patrol song Life on earth.



It was Friday night and Kim Possible found herself pacing back and forth inside her penthouse apartment. After last weekend's trip to Kassel and Amsterdam, she'd arrived home on Sunday evening, dutifully called her mom to let her know nothing untoward had happened to her that week, bar her trip down a staircased roof. Her mom had asked to check her over and while she had almost spouted her traditional 'it was no big', she had agreed. The woman had come over and given her a quick check-up, after which they had talked for a bit. Kim had then curled up on the sofa and watched The Post-it Note before going to bed. Monday morning had then seen her try to pick up the trail of the Gemini tech thefts, alas with little success. All week she'd been investigating and recovering stolen technology that fit the profile of what the supervillain's henchmen had been stealing, but only found one theft that she'd been able to pin on them. Unfortunately, when she'd tracked down their hideout, all she'd found was a burnt-out shell; they'd known she had been onto them. That had occurred before lunchtime today. With the trail having gone cold, she'd been left with two options, investigate another theft that fit the profile in New Jersey and cancel her date with Shego that night, or come home and go on said date. Needless to say, she'd gone with the latter.

Wearing a short red-tartan skirt, a pair of black holdups to cover her legs and a teal long-sleeved top, Kim continued to pace. Everything had been absolutely fine up until half an hour ago. She'd got back to Middleton by early evening, stopped off at Bueno Nacho to grab something for dinner; at which point she was positive that she had forgotten about something but couldn't recall what, come home, eaten and then gone to get showered and dressed. It had been while picking her outfit that the first serious thoughts about Shego had started to flutter through her mind. With her train of thought having gone something like this:

I really enjoyed making out with Shego last weekend...

...I want to make-out with her again...

...dammit, she had a hotel room last time whereas tonight we'll just be here in Middleton...

...why don't I just invite her back here then?

At that point, she'd had a full-on meltdown over both the idea that she wanted to invite Shego back to her apartment and whether it was a good idea to do so. She'd finally resolved the second part by reminding herself that Shego had already been in her apartment twice and that the only difference would be that this time the invite would not involve any mitigating circumstances. The first part had been a little bit trickier to negotiate and she'd only been able to stabilise her internal nuclear reactor by reminding herself that everything she had done/would do with Shego was purely to help her get comfortable with being a lesbian, before she tried to find a proper girlfriend.

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