Chapter 11: I am you and what I see is me

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It had not been a fun trip back to the lair. Not only had it been long; across two state lines, but Shego had been subjected to the near constant whinging of Dr Drakken. Subjects such as, I can't believe you ruined my plan, curse that infuriating Kim Possible, I could be ruling the world right now if it hadn't been for you and I'll get Kim possible if it's the last thing I do, being chief amongst them. It would have driven her crazy if she'd had to listen to him for the whole trek. Fortunately, he'd eventually ran out of air for yelling and so taken time to quietly sulk. Allowing her the time to slip into a meditative state and allow her glow to heal her injuries; negating the bulk of the pain. When they finally arrived, Drakken had then had the audacity to complain about her leaving. Claiming that since she had ruined his plan and made him a laughing stock on global TV, that she had to help him formulate a new one. Shego had promptly given him the finger, fetched her black and green flamed helmet from the locker room and headed for the Blackbird. Once out of the lair, she had then taken a very long route home, cursing at two-hundred-and-fifty mph as she tried to clear her head.

Shego opened the refrigerator, withdrew a bottle of beer, cut the top off with a lit finger and headed for the sofa. What a day, she thought as a small smile played on her lips. Kimmie and I were both on fire. The motorbike ride had done a lot to help calm her down and now that she was rid of Drakken for another week, her mind was free to waltz in the memory of her latest dance with the red-haired vixen. Heh, the look on her face when I got her back for that vortex throw the other week was priceless. However, definitely going to have to watch out for that damn barrage of jumping-front-kicks she can rattle off. I wonder how she generates so much power for all four kicks? Guess I'm going to have to try and figure that out the old-fashioned way...

"Or you could always ask her tonight."

Shego groaned at the sound of her little devil's advocate's voice, as it provided an apt image of the tween hero rattling off her jumping-front-kick combo. In fairness, she was surprised it had waited this long before bringing up the subject of Princess' invite to go for a drink. I'm not purposefully going out to meet Kimmie. It's not happening.

The voice laughed, "yeah and I'm not going to keep bugging the hell out of you for the rest of time."

And what's that supposed to mean? Shego snapped back. She swallowed a large mouthful of beer in a vain attempt to steady her nerves in preparation for her latest internalised argument. I've been having far too many of these of late. Maybe I need to drink more and think less.

"Come on, we both know you're going to go."

A wicked smile flashed across Shego's lips. She had some decent ammo for this particular fight. And how am I supposed to do that, Genius? Kimmie never gave me the chance to say yes before she kicked me over that railing. Not to mention that she never specified a location. So even if I wanted to, which I don't, I have no idea if she would even be there or where there is for that matter.

"Ok, fair point," the voice conceded, before continuing, "which means you need to give her a call and ask."

Shego took another sip of her beer as a gleam of triumph sparkled in her eyes. She loved getting one over on that smug asshole. Casually, she reached into the pouch on the leg of her catsuit and pulled out the crushed remains of her cell phone. Sorry, no can do. Kimmie destroyed my phone; probably when she booted me over that railing. Guess there's no way of me finding out where she wanted to meet. Oh well, what a shame. Looks like it's a quiet night in for me. Maybe I'll go for a long soak in the jacuzzi, with that nice bottle of bourbon I swiped from Señior Senior, Senior last time I was over at his joint. For a few blissful minutes, Shego revelled in her victory and enjoyed her beer. Only it wasn't to last.

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